Cette bibliographie ne se veut pas exhaustive. Les points de vue exprimés dans les articles énumérés dans cette bibliographie ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de la HCCH. La HCCH n’assume aucune responsabilité à l’égard des points de vue exprimés dans les articles référencés.

Auteur Titre Périodique Année d'édition
DAMILOLA WILLIAMS-AKINTAN, H. & DAMILOLA AKANDE, O. The Potentials of Hague Convention on Inter-Country Adoption for Child Adoption Practices in Nigeria Lead City Journal of Social Sciences , Vol. 8, Is. 3 2023
VAN LOON, H. Note on the desirability of preparing a new Convention on international co-operation in respect of intercountry adoption HCCH, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Session, Miscellaneous Matters, Tome I (1988) 1988
GOICOECHEA, I. & CASTRO, F. Building an International Cooperation System for the Civil Protection of Children A Commitment to Private International Law - Essays in honour of Hans van Loon 2013
HENAGHAN, M. & BALLANTYNE, R. International Child Abduction, Intercountry Adoption and International Commercial Surrogacy Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy 2020
LORTIE, P & GOICOECHEA, I The Future of Judicial Co-operation: Building on Recent Innovations International Family Law, volume 2013, issue 2 2013
GARIMELLA, S. R. & CHOUDHARY, S. The 1993 Intercountry Adoption Convention: from 'gift child' to safer adoptions The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
MARTINEZ-MORA L. Adoption of Children A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
BHATTARAI, A. Translating Inter-country Adoption as Transcultural Communication BMC Research Journal, Vol. 03, Is. 01 2024
GOICOECHEA, I. Implementing the CRC through the HCCH’s Children Conventions Family Law : Challenges and Developments from an International Perspective; UIA-LexisNexis 2020
GOLDFEDER, M. The Adoption of Children in Judaism and in Israel: a Conceptual and Practical Review
Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law 2014
CHUNYAN, D. International adoption in post-Hague Convention China
International Family Law 2014
FENTON-GLYNN, C. Children's rights in Intercountry Adoption: a European perspective 2014
POCAR, F. & VAN LOON, H. The 120th anniversary of The Hague Conference on Private International Law Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 2014
ASSIM, U.M & MANDLATE, A. The right to alternative care for children deprived of a family environment: overview of international norms and the legislative framework of Mozambique
The International Survey of Family Law 2014
GRANET, F. & Commission Internationale de l'État Civil (CIEC) La maternité de substitution et l'état civil de l'enfant dans des États membres de la CIEC Étude mise en ligne (www.ciec1.org) 2014
VAN LOON, H. La méthode de la reconnaissance et les conventions de droit international privé de La Haye La reconnaissance des situations en droit international privé (P. Lagarde, dir.) 2013
VAN LOON, H. Hague Conventions on Private international law, Same-Sex Marriage and Non-Marital Institutions Liber Amicorum Johan Erauw (M. Piers, H. Storme, J. Verhellen, eds.) 2014
VAN LOON, H. On the Applicability of Hague Conventions on private international law to same-sex marriages Los servicios en el Derecho Internacional Privado, Jornadas de la ASADIP (J. Moreno Rodríguez, C. Lima Marques, coord.) 2014
GRANET, F. La maternité de substitution et l'état civil de l'enfant dans des États membres de la CIEC 2014
QUARTLY, M. Tony Abbott’s "Reform" of ICA: if it’s not broken why fix it? 2014
ISTEREVYCH, T. International Surrogacy Arrangements: the Problem of Recognition of Legal Parenthood
MARTÍNEZ VAUNOTTI, I. Las Conferencias Interamericanas y la Conferencia de La Haya y la protección de los derechos de la persona
Derecho internacional privado y derecho de la integración: libro homenaje a Roberto Ruiz Díaz Labrano 2013
BHUTTA, A. & CABEZA, R. Placement of children outside England and Wales: international adoption, special guardianship and the Hague Convention 1996 – known unknowns? International Family Law 2013
GANNAGÉ, L. Les méthodes du droit international privé à l'épreuve des conflits de cultures
Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international 2011
DUNCAN, W. Adoptive Parents and the 1993 Hague Convention Entre Bruselas y La Haya. Estudios sobre la unificación internacional y regional del Derecho internacional privado. Liber Amicorum Alegría Borrás 2013
MARTÍNEZ-MORA, L., BAKER, H. & HARANG, E. The 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention and Subsidiarity: is the subsidiarity principle still "fit for purpose"?
A Commitment to Private International Law. Essays in honour of Hans van Loon / Un engagement au service du droit international privé. Mélanges en l’honneur de Hans van Loon 2013
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Intercountry Adoption of Children: A Challenge for International Co-operation to Protect Children's Rights Hague Yearbook of International Law 1992
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Introductory Note on the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption Uniform Law Review 1993
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Genèse et Historique de la Convention du 29 mai 1993 Actes du Colloque « L'adoption internationale » (Paris : Cour de Cassation, 1994) 1994
VAN LOON, J.H.A. What New Conventions There May Be: A Perspective From The Hague Families Across Frontiers (Lowe, N., Douglas, G., eds.), International Society of Family Law 8th World Conference, Cardiff 1994 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Les Conventions de la Conférence de La Haye (I) L'Enfant et Les Conventions internationales (Rubellin-Devichi, J. et Frank, R.) 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Unification and Co-operation in the Field of International Family Law: A Perspective from The Hague E Pluribus Unum. Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz (Borrás, A, Bucher, A., Struycken, T, Verwilghen, M., eds.) 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Synthesis of the Discussions at the European Conference on Monitoring Children’s Rights Monitoring Children’s Rights (E. Verhellen, ed.) 1996
VAN LOON, J.H.A. One Hundred Years of Activity of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Field of Family Law Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law 1999
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Recent Developments in International Treaty Law on the Protection of Children International Family Law 1999
VAN LOON, J.H.A. The Hague Conference on Private International Law and its Relevance to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Understanding Children's Rights (E. Verhellen, ed.) 2004
VAN LOON, J.H.A. International Adoption of Children Report of Sixty-Fourth Conference (Queensland, 1990) | Report of the Sixty-Third Conference (Warsaw, 1988) 1990
DOEK, J.E., VAN LOON, H. & VLAARDINGERBROEK, P. Children on the Move. How to implement their right to family life
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Rapport sur l'adoption d'enfants originaires de l'étranger/Report on Intercountry Adoption of Children Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session/Actes et documents de la Dix-septième session 1994
VAN EEUWIJK, P.C.Th.M. & VAN LOON, J.H.A. Identiteitsproblemen bij Adoptiekinderen 1989
VAN LOON, J.H.A. Anders denken over kinderrechten: de betekenis van de Haagse Verdragen over internationaal privaatrecht Tijdschrift voor Jeugdrecht en Kinderrechten 2002
DUNCAN, W. The Work of the Hague Conference in the Field of the International Protection of Children and its Relevance to India International Law Issues and Challenges 2009
BOSHIER, P. Intercountry adoption in New Zealand: successes and challenges International Family Law 2012
HAYES, P. The Legality and Ethics of Independent Intercountry Adoption Under the Hague Convention International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 2011
GOICOECHEA, I. & CASTRO, F. Adopción internacional: la Argentina como país de recepción de niños. El Convenio de La Haya de 1993 y la reserva al art. 21 de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño Jurisprudencia Argentina 2010
CALVO CARAVACA, A.-L. & CARRASCOSA GONZÁLEZ, J. (Dir.) Derecho Internacional Privado 2010
DEGELING, J. Meedoen met het Haags Adoptieverdrag Adoptietijdschrift 2010
MILLER WROBEL, G. & NEIL, E. (eds.) International Advances in Adoption Research for Practice 2009
MARRE, D. & BRIGGS, L. (eds.) International Adoption. Global Inequalities and the Circulation of Children 2009

Estudos sobre projectos de convenções internacionais:  sobre o esboço de convenção acerca da adopção internacional de crianças, emanado da conferência da Haia de direito internacional privado

Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa 1963
VOULGARIS, I. [Article (in Greek) on the 1993 Intercountry Adoption Convention] Dikaiorama 2009
MENS, A. Interlandelijke adoptie. Is deelbemiddeling in verdragslanden mogelijk? Tijdschrift voor Familie- en Jeugdrecht (FJR) 2009

Hague Conference Update

International Family Law 2008
WARDLE, L.D. The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption and American Implementing Law: Implications for International Adoptions by Gay and Lesbian Couples or Partners Indiana International & Comparative Law Review 2008
SMOLIN, D.M. Child Laundering As Exploitation: Applying Anti-Trafficking Norms to Intercountry Adoption Under the Coming Hague Regime Vermont law review 2007
WEITZEL, W. Das Haager Adoptionsübereinkommen vom 29.5.1993 Neue juristische Wochenschrift 2008
MENS, A. Intercountry Adoption: do the Existing Instruments work? 100 Years of Child Protection 2007
O'KEEFFE, K. The Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000: The United States Ratification of the Hague Convention on the protection of children, and its Meager Effect on International Adoption Vanderbilt journal of transnational law 2007
MASKEW, T. The Failure of Promise: the US Regulations on Intercountry Adoption under the Hague Convention Administrative Law Review 2008
DAVEL, TRYNIE & ASHGATE Intercountry Adoption from an African Perspective Children's Rights in Africa: a Legal Perspective 2008
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR / NO AUTHOR INDICATED] The Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000: The United States' Ratification of the Hague Convention and its Meager Effect on International Adoption Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 2007
SILBERMAN, L.J. Co-operative efforts in private international law on behalf of children: the Hague Children's Conventions Recueil des cours 2006
SMOLIN, D.M. Child Laundering: How the Intercountry Adoption System Legitimizes and Incentivizes the Practices of Buying, Trafficking, Kidnaping and Stealing Children The Wayne Law Review 2006
KALES, A.G. The Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000: are its laudable goals worth its potential impact on small adoption agencies, independent intercountry adoptions, and ethical independent adoption professionals? The George Washington International Law Review 2004
GRAFF, E.J. The Lie We Love Foreign Policy 2008
TIEDE, W. & HERZOG, B. Authorisation of Adoption Agencies in Ukraine International Family Law 2008
COLOMBANI, J.-M. Rapport sur l'adoption 2008
IRELAND, LAW REFORM COMMISSION Aspects of Intercountry Adoption Law 2008
ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, S. Reconocimiento e inscripción en el Registro Civil de las adopciones internacionales Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 2006
SCHLAUSS, S. Die Anerkennung von Auslandsadoptionen in der Vormundschaftsgerichtlichen Praxis Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 2007
RODGERS, I. Implications for Intercountry Adoption in Scotland International Family Law 2007
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR/NO AUTHOR INDICATED] Anknüpfungsfragen der Adoption Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht 2007
SOHR, K. Difficulties implementing the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption : A criticism of the proposed Ortega's law and and advocacy for moderate adoption reform in Guatemala Pace International Law Review 2006
RANKIN, C.A. Romania's new child protection legislation: change in intercountry adoption law results in a human rights violation Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 2006
HOFSTETTER, M. & FREIRE, F. L'adoption internationale en Haïti 2005
LAVALLÉE, C. L'enfant, ses familles et les institutions de l'adoption. Regards sur le droit français et le droit québécois 2005
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR / NO AUTHOR INDICATED] U.S. Takes Domestic Measures to Implement Hague Adoption Convention American Journal of International Law 2006
COESTER-WALTJEN, D. Anerkennung im Internationalen Personen-, Familien- und Erbrecht und das Europaïsche Kollisionsrecht Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2006
JAIME R., M.-L. La Adopción Internacional GLOBAL - Apuntes Jurídicos 2001
ARRUE M., C.A. Admisibilidad de la adopción internacional en Panamá Revista Lex - Homenaje Póstumo al licdo Cesár Guevara 2002
FUCHS, A. Auslandsadoption und Fachlichkeitsgrundsatz Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2006
CRÔNE, R., REVILLARD, M. & GELOT, B. L'adoption - aspects internes et internationaux 2006
CORDERY, P. Suspension by the UK of Intercountry Adoptions International Family Law 2006
HAGUE CONFERENCE The Hague Children's Conventions: Recent Developments International Family Law Journal 2006
MONROY CABRA, M.G. Derecho de Familia y de Menores, Octava Edición - Corregida, aumentada y actualizada
MUIR WATT, H. Cour de cassation (1er Ch. civ.) - 18 mai 2005 - Adoption internationale Revue critique de droit international privé 2005
BORRÁS, A. La protección internacional del niño y del adulto como expresión de la materalización del derecho internacional privado: similitudes y contrastes Pacis Artes, Obra homenaje al Profesor Julio D. Gonzales Campos 2005
LE BOURSICOT, M.-C. Les limites juridiques de l'adoptabilité Enjeux de l'adoption tardive - Nouveaux fondements pour la clinique 2004
CRINE, A.-M. & NABINGER, S. La mise en relation de l'enfant et de ses futurs parents dans l'adoption internationale Enjeux de l'adoption tardive - Nouveaux fondements pour la clinique 2004
BARRIGUETE MELENDEZ, J.A. La décision d'adoptabilité de l'enfant étranger en adoption internationale Enjeux de l'adoption tardive - Nouveaux fondements pour la clinique 2004
SACLIER, C. Introduction Enjeux de l'adoption tardive - Nouveaux fondements pour la clinique 2004
MONTOYA McCONNELL, M. The New Spanish Law Regarding Inter-country Adoption of Children International Family Law 1999
CESCHINI, R. Inter-country Adoption in Italy International Family Law 1999
MILLER, L.C. The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine - A Guide for Physicians, Parents, and Providers 2005
LIMA MARQUES, C. Kulturelle Identität und Quellendialog im brasilianischen internationalen Adoptionsrecht nach Inkrafttreten des neuen brasilianischen Zivilgesetzbuches von 2002 Festschrift für Erik Jayme 2004
GOMEZ, M. & HEVIA, R. El derecho a una familia permanente - análisis del Convenio de La Haya sobre adopción internacional 1996
BOÉCHAT, H. L'activité intermédiaire en vue d'adoption: premières expériences de l'autorité fédérale de surveillance La pratique du droit de la famille 2004
BOÉCHAT, H. Die Adoptionsvermittlung: erste Erfahrungen der Aufsichtsbehörde des Bundes Die Praxis des Familienrechts 2004
URWYLER, D. Premières expériences avec la Convention de La Haye sur l'adoption La pratique du droit de la famille 2004
URWYLER, D. Erste Erfahrungen mit dem Haager Adoptionsübereinkommen Die Praxis des Familienrechts 2004
BIENENTREU, H. & BUSCH, M. Intercountry Stepchild and Relative Adoption: the Role of Adoption Services and the 1993 Hague Convention International Family Law 2004
PERMANENT BUREAU OF THE HAGUE CONFERENCE The Hague Children's Conventions: Recent Preparations for the Next Special Commissions to Review their Operation International Family Law 2004
SELMAN, P. Intercountry Adoption in the New Millennium: The "Quiet Migration" Revisited Population Research and Policy Review 2002
MARAVEL, A. The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Hague Conference on Private International Law: The Dynamics of Children's Rights Through Legal Strata Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 1996
THOMPSON, S. The 1998 Russian Federation Family Code Provisions on Intercountry Adoption Break the Hague Convention Ratification Gridlock: What Next? An Analysis of Post-Ratification Ramifications on Securing a Uniform Process of International Adoption Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 1999
LIPPOLD, J.M. Transnational Adoption from an American Perspective: the Need for Universal Uniformity Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 1995
GATES, C.J. China's Newly Enacted Intercountry Adoption Law: Friend or Foe? Ind. J. Global Leg. Stud. 1999
STEIN, J.G. A Call to End Baby Selling: Why the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption Should Be Modified to Include the Consent Provisions of the Uniform Adoption Act T. Jefferson L. Rev. 2001
KENNARD, H.C. Curtailing the Sale and Trafficking of Children: A Discussion of the Hague Conference Convention in Respect of Intercountry Adoptions U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 1994
CARLSON, R.R. The Emerging Law of Intercountry Adoptions: An Analysis of the Hague Conference on Intercountry Adoption Tulsa L. J. 1994
GÓNGORA BERNÍCOLA, D.M. El papel de las ECAIS en el proceso de la adopción internacional dentro y fuera del Convenio de La Haya Sustracción internacional de menores y adopción internacional (ADAM MUÑOZ, D. & GARCÍA CANO, dir.) 2004
ADROHER BIOSCA, S. Algunas cuestiones en torno a la adopción internacional Sustracción internacional de menores y adopción internacional (ADAM MUÑOZ, D. & GARCÍA CANO, dir.) 2004
GARCÍA CANO, S. Globalización, multiculturalismo y protección internacional del menor Sustracción internacional de menores y adopción internacional (ADAM MUÑOZ, D. & GARCÍA CANO, dir.) 2004
HERRANZ BALLESTEROS, M. Problemas actuales en torno a la adopción internacional. Adopciones encubiertas y tráfico de niños Sustracción internacional de menores y adopción internacional (ADAM MUÑOZ, D. & GARCÍA CANO, dir.) 2004
GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN, N. El Convenio de La Haya de 1993 y el procedimiento de cooperación a través de una entidad colaboradora de adopción internacional: España y México Sustracción internacional de menores y adopción internacional (ADAM MUÑOZ, D. & GARCÍA CANO, dir.) 2004
MARINA HERNANDO, D.M. La intervención de las AACC españolas de comunicación en la aplicación del Convenio de La Haya de 1993 sobre adopción internacional Sustracción internacional de menores y adopción internacional (ADAM MUÑOZ, D. & GARCÍA CANO, dir.) 2004
ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, S. La nouvelle loi espagnole sur l'adoption internationale Revue critique de droit international privé 2008
PANICO, R.C. Considerazioni sulla nuova adozione internazionale Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 2001
BUSCH, M. Adoptionswirkungsgesetz und Haager Adoptionsübereinkommen - von der Nachadoption zur Anerkennung und Wirkungsfeststellung Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2003
BUSCH, M. Stiefkind- und Verwandtenadoptionen mit Auslandsbezug DAVorm 1998
STEIGER, Th. Das neue Recht der internationalen Adoption und Adoptionsvermittlung 2002
STEIGER, Th. Im alten Fahrwasser zu neuen Ufern: Neuregelungen im Recht der internationalen Adoption mit Erläuterungen für die Notarielle Praxis DNotZ 2002
JÄNTERÄ-JAREBORG, M. The Recognition of Legal Effects of Foreign Adoptions in Sweden Scandinavian Studies in Law 1992
PFUND, P. H. Brigitte M. Bodenheimer Memorial Lecture on the Family; The Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention and Federal International Child Support Enforcement U.C. Davis Law Review 1997
LEMONTEY, J. L'enfant au coeur des conflits de famille. Les voies d'une réforme de l'adoption Enfants d'Europe, enfants du monde - Deuxièmes Journées Européennes du Droit de Nancy - Actes du colloque organisé à Nancy les 24 & 25 nov. 2000 2000
CORDERY, P. UK Ratification of the Hague Convention and Registration of Foreign Adoptions International Family Law 2003
MAURER, H.-U. Das Gesetz zur Regelung von Rechtsfragen auf dem Gebiet der internationalen Adoption und zur Weiterentwicklung des Adoptionsvermittlungsrechts Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht 2003
NONYANA, M.R. South African Adoption International Family Law 2003
CORDERY, P. The Adoption and Children Act 2002 - The Adopted Children Register and the Child Adopted in China International Family Law 2003
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR/NO AUTHOR INDICATED] Separated Children in Europe Programme, Statement of Good Practice 1999
[SANS INDICATION D'AUTEUR/NO AUTHOR INDICATED] Convention on Inter-Country Adoptions Australian Journal of Family Law 1993
VERWILGHEN, M. Libres propos sur l'éthique de l'adoption Accueil 2000
VERWILGHEN, M. Vers une coopération internationale en matière d'adoption Journal du droit des jeunes 1993
VERWILGHEN, M. Le renouveau de l'adoption internationale Relations familiales internationales 1993
VERWILGHEN, M. Vers une Convention sur l'adoption internationale Le Journal des Procès 1993
VERWILGHEN, M. L'adoption internationale à l'ordre du jour Le Journal des Procès 1993
STURLESE, B. Analyse de la Convention de La Haye du 29 mai 1993 Actes du Colloque «L'adoption internationale», Cour de cassation 2 & 3 décembre 1994 1994
SACLIER, C. The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption - a convention in the best interests of the child Substitute Families 1993
SACLIER, C. International Social Service Understanding Children's Rights. Collected papers presented at the second International Interdisciplinary Course on Children's Rights 1997
SACLIER, C. Centre de référence sur la protection de l'enfant en matière d'adoption internationale Actes du Colloque «L'adoption internationale», Cour de cassation 2 & 3 décembre 1994 1994
PIERCE, W.L. Hague Convention Becomes U.S. Law. An explanation of the new law and steps required for implementation [available online] 2000
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Les Conventions de la Conférence de La Haye L'enfant et les conventions internationales 1996
PFUND, P. Contributing to Progressive Development of Private International Law: the International Process and the United States Approach Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 1994
PFUND, P. Intercountry Adoption: The 1993 Hague Convention - Its Purpose, Implementation and Promise Family Law Quarterly 1994
BUCHER, A. La nouvelle Convention de La Haye relative à l'adoption internationale Zeitschrift für Vormundschaftswesen 1994
CAMACHO DE CHAVARRÍA, A. Controles nacionales e internacionales en la adopción de niños. II reunión de expertos preparatoria para la Convención sobre la Protección de Niños y la Cooperación Internacional en Materia de Adopciones Internacionales, La Haya 21 de abril al 3 de mayo de 1991 1991
DUNCAN, W. Regulating Intercountry Adoption - an International Perspective Frontiers of Family Law (A. Bainham & D.S. Pearl, eds.) 1993
DUNCAN, W. The Protection of Children's Rights in Inter-Country Adoption Human Rights - A European Perspective (L. Heffernan, ed.) 1994
DUNCAN, W. The Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption 1993. Some issues of special relevance to sending countries Intercountry Adoptions: Laws and Perspectives of "Sending" Countries (E.D. Jaffe, ed.) 1995
DUNCAN, W. Intercountry Adoption: Some Issues in Implementing and Supplementing the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption Children on the Move - How to Implement Their Right to Family Life 1996
DUNCAN, W. Children's Rights, Cultural Diversity and Private International Law Children's Rights and Traditional Values 1998
DUNCAN, W. Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (29 May 1993) International Family Law 1999
DUNCAN, W. The Hague Children's Conventions - Some News and Developments International Children's Rights Monitor 2000
DUNCAN, W. The Hague Convention Adoption Factbook III 1999
DUNCAN, W. The Hague Conference on Private International Law and its Current Programme of Work Concerning the International Protection of Children and Other Aspects of Family Law Yearbook of Private International Law 2000
DUNCAN, W. Transfrontier protection of children. Administrative and judicial co-operation and the role of the Hague Conventions Commonwealth Judicial Journal 2001
CANTWELL, N. Regulating intercountry adoption from Albania. Just in time! International Children's Rights Monitor 1992
CANTWELL, N. The New Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption. Will it work? International Children's Rights Monitor 1993
CANTWELL, N. La nouvelle Convention de La Haye sur l'adoption internationale. Une affaire qui marche? Tribune internationale des droits de l'enfant 1993
CARROLL, J. & WILLIAMS, S. (eds) Child Welfare in Europe. 1993: Implications for adoption. Report of a Seminar held in March 1993 in Brussels Sponsored by the European Commission. 1993
CASTEX, G. L'adoption internationale en France à la veille de la Convention de La Haye Enfance Majuscule 1997
DYUZHEVA, O.A. Drafting a Russian Law on Intercountry Adoption Children on the Move - How to Implement Their Right to Family Life 1996
ERAUW, J. Het verdragsrecht in het federale België getoetst aan het Haagse Verdrag van 29 mei 1993 inzake de internationale samenwerking en de bescherming van kinderen op het gebied van de interlandelijke adoptie Actuele vraagstukken van interlandelijke en inlandse adoptie en van verlatenverklaring (P. SENAEVE, ed.) 1995
LIMA MARQUES, C. Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip in der Neuordnung des internationalen Adoptionsrechts. Eine Analyse der Haager Adoptionsübereinkommen von 1993 im Hinblick auf das deutsche und das brasilianische Recht 1996
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Intercountry Adoption of Children: A Challenge for International Co-operation to Protect Children's Rights Hague Yearbook of International Law 1992
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Het Haagse Verdrag van 29 mei 1993 inzake de internationale samenwerking en de bescherming van kinderen op het gebied van de interlandelijke adoptie: achtergronden en krachtlijnen Actuele vraagstukken van interlandelijke en inlandse adoptie en van verlatenverklaring (P. SENAEVE, ed.) 1995
VAN LOON, J. H. A. International Co-operation and Protection of Children with Regard to Intercountry Adoption Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 1993
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Hague Conventions concerning children and their implementation 'Child - Family - Community. A Holistic Approach', Worldforum '94, Conference Report 1994
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption The International Journal of Children's Rights 1995
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Genèse et historique de la Convention du 29 mai 1993 Actes du Colloque «L'adoption internationale» 1994
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Os aspectos legais da adoção internacional e a proteção da criança - rrelatório da associação de direito internacional Uma vida dedicada ao Direito. Homenagem a Carlos Henrique de Carvalho. O Editor dos juristas 1995
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Unification and Co-operation in the Field of International Family Law: A Perspective from The Hague E Pluribus Unum - Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz 1996
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Het Haags Verdrag van 29 mei 1993 inzake de internationale samenwerking en de bescherming van kinderen op het gebied van de interlandelijke adoptie: achtergronden en krachtlijnen Rechten van kinderen in de wereld (verzamelde lezingen) 1996
VAN LOON, J. H. A. Convention de La Haye: perspectives de l'adoption internationale Enfance Majuscule 1997
LÜCKER-BABEL, M.-F. Convención de La Haya relativa a la Protección y a la Cooperación en materia de Adopción Internacional Normas internacionales relativos a los derechos de los niños y niñas 1995
LÜCKER-BABEL, M.-F. Convention de La Haye sur la coopération et la protection des enfants en matière d'adoption internationale Normes internationales relatives aux droits de l'enfant 1995
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