Esta bibliografía no pretende ser exhaustiva. Las opiniones vertidas en los documentos enumerados pueden no coincidir con las de la HCCH, quien no asume ninguna responsabilidad sobre dichas opiniones.

Autor Título Periódico Año de edición
LORTIE, P & GOICOECHEA, I The Future of Judicial Co-operation: Building on Recent Innovations International Family Law, volume 2013, issue 2 2013
DE ARAUJO, N. The HCCH and maintenance obligations The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
IWAMOTO, M. International Recovery of Maintenance in Japan Japanese Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 65 2023
SCHLOSSER, P. Anerkennungsversagung Nach Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen Zwingend? Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), vol. 42, Is. 06 2022
GROFF, M. The Potential of the 2007 Child Support Convention: Addressing Global Poverty and Supporting Economic Rights The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide - Studies in Private International Law 2014
RUBAJA, N. Argentina's Regulation of Maintenance Obligations: Implementation of the 2007 Hague Convention The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide - Studies in Private International Law 2014
LORTIE, P. Developing an Electronic Case Management and Communication System for the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention and 2009 EU Maintenance Regulation: The iSupport Project The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide - Studies in Private International Law 2014
KARAYANIDI, M. Child Support in Kazakhstan: Case for Accession to the 2007 Hague Maintenance Convention The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide - Studies in Private International Law 2014
WALKER, L. Maintenance and child support in private international law Studies in private international law , volume 17 2015
BAKER, H. & GROFF, M. The impact of the Hague Conventions on European family law European Family Law Volume, volume 1 2016
KROLL-LUDWIGS, K. Das Verhaltnis von Haager Unterhaltsprotokoll (2007) und Haager Unterhaltubereinkommen (1973): Lex Posterior Derogate Legi Priori? Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), volume 36, issue 1 2016
HODSON OBE, D. The 2007 Hague Maintenance Convention: the Experience from Europe International Family Law Journal, volume 2016, issue 1 2016
LORTIE, P. L'autonomie de la volonté dans les relations familiales internationales 2017
KEITH, R. Ten Things Practitioners Should Know about the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance Family Law Quarterly, volume 51, issue 2&3 2017
BEAUMONT P. & WALKER L, Maintenance A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
BEAUMONT P. & RUBAJA, N. Family Agreements Involving Children A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
GOICOECHEA, I. Implementing the CRC through the HCCH’s Children Conventions Family Law : Challenges and Developments from an International Perspective; UIA-LexisNexis 2020
ROMANO, G. Droits et obligations alimentaires entre êtres humains, droits et obligations entre Etats et intérêt de la Suisse à adhérer aux Conventions de La Haye de 2007 Swiss Review of International and European Law, Vol. 31, Is. 01 2021
MOLINA MORÁN, J. Las pensiones alimentarias, su fijación y cobro en el plano internacional. Propuestas para su agilización RDF: 91, 16/09/2019, 181 2019
GOICOECHEA, I. & CASTRO, F. Building an International Cooperation System for the Civil Protection of Children A Commitment to Private International Law - Essays in honour of Hans van Loon 2013
GALENSKAYA, L.N. Recovery of maintenance abroad (on possibility of the accession of Russia to the Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance of 2007)
Journal of international private law 2009
BEAUMONT, P., HESS,B., WALKER, L. & SPANCKEN, S. (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide (click here for the table of contents)
Studies in Private International Law 2014
WALKER, L. From Brussels I and the Maintenance Convention to the Maintenance Regulation: Is the resulting Maintenance Regulation consistent with the other EU PIL instruments?
Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR) 2013
BEAUMONT, P. & WALKER, L. Administrative and Judicial Cooperation in the Hague 2007 Maintenance Convention Entre Bruselas y La Haya. Estudios sobre la unificación internacional y regional del Derecho internacional privado. Liber Amicorum Alegría Borrás 2013
VAN ITERSON, D. IPR-aspecten van de nieuwe mondiale en Europese regelgeving op het gebied van alimentatie Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht (FJR) 2009
COESTER-WALTJEN, D. & LIPP, V. & SCHUMANN, E. Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht. 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
EAMES, D. Maintenance Enforcement: The 2007 Hague Convention and the EC Regulation
International Family Law 2009
CARLSON, M.H. United States perspective on the new Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance
Family Law Quarterly 2009
DOUCHY-OUDOT, M. Le recouvrement des obligations alimentaires dans l'Union européenne
Liber Amicorum Jacques Isnard 2009
CARRUTHERS, J. Party Autonomy in the Legal Regulation of Adult Relationships: What Place for Party Choice in Private International Law
International & Comparative Law Quarterly 2012
ROSETTENSTEIN, D. Choice of Law in International Child Support Obligations: Hague or vague, and does it matter? An American Perspective International Journal of Law, Policy and Family 2008
SMITH, M.R. Child Support at Home and Abroad: Road to The Hague
Family Law Quarterly 2009
DUNCAN, W. The new Hague Child Support Convention: goals and outcomes of the negotiations
Family Law Quarterly 2009
LAQUER ESTIN, A. Families Across Borders: The Hague Children's Conventions and the Case for International Family Law in the United States Florida Law Review 2010
VAN ITERSON, D. Toegang tot de rechter en het recht in internationale alimentatiezaken
IPR in de spiegel van Paul Vlas 2012
BORRÁS, A. The limit on proceedings in maintenance claims: an example of the compatibility between the European instruments and the 2007 Hague Convention International Family Law 2012
LORTIE, P. The 2007 Hague Child Support Convention and its Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligatons: challenges and opportunities for domestic reforms International Family Law 2012
DOOGUE, J.-M. The drafting of the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance
International Family Law 2012
KURUCZ, M. The 2007 Hague Maintenance Convention: response to practical demands
International Family Law 2012
LEVANTE, M. Die Reform des internationalen Unterhaltsrechts - das Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen und das Protokoll über das auf Unterhaltspflichten anwendbare Recht von 2007 Innovatives Recht, Festschrift für Ivo Schwander 2011

Handbuch Internationales Unterhaltsrecht (2011)

CURRY-SUMNER, I. Administrative co-operation and free legal aid in international child maintenance recovery. What is the added value of the European Maintenance Regulation? Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht 2010
HEGER, M. Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen und UnterhaltsVO der Europäischen Union Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht - 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
DOSE, H.-J. Das deutsche Unterhaltsrecht unter dem Einfluss der Unterhalts-VO und der Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen - Vollstreckbarkeit ausländischer Unterhaltstitel Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht - 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
HAU, W. Das Zuständigkeitssystem der Europäischen Unterhaltsverordnung - Überlegungen aus der Perspektive des deutschen Rechts Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht - 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
KARSTEN, I. The new Hague Convention and EU Regulation on Maintenance Obligations - an English Perspective Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht - 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
HIRSCH, J. Das neue Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen und das Haager Protokoll über das auf Unterhaltspflichten anzuwendende Recht Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht - 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
AMOS, T. Englisches Unterhaltsrecht - paternalistisch oder pragmatisch? - und wie es durch die Prismen der UnterhaltsVO und der Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen aussehen könnte Europäisches Unterhaltsrecht - 8. Göttinger Workshop zum Familienrecht 2009 2010
ANCEL, B. & MUIR WATT, H. Aliments sans frontières. Le règlement CE No 4/2009 du 18 décembre 2008 relatif à la compétence, la loi applicable, la reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions et la coopération en matière d'obligations alimentaires Revue critique de droit international privé 2010
BORRÁS, A. The Necessary Flexibility in the Application of the New Instruments on Maintenance Convergence and Divergence in Private International Law, Liber Amicorum Kurt Siehr 2010
BEAUMONT, P. International Family Law in Europe - the Maintenance Project, the Hague Conference and the EC: A Triumph of Reverse Subsidiarity Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 2009
DUNCAN, W. The Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. Comments on its Objectives and Some of its Special Features Yearbook of Private International Law 2008
LORTIE, P. The Development of Medium and Technology Neutral Int'l Treaties in Support of Post-Convention Information Technology Systems - The Example of the 2007 Hague Convention and Protocol Yearbook of Private International Law 2008
BORRÁS, A. La cooperación internacional de autoridades: en particular, el caso del cobro de alimentos en el extranjero La cooperación internacional de autoridades: ámbitos de familia y del proceso civil - Jornadas organizadas por el Departamento de Derecho y Economía Internacionales de la Universidad de Barcelona 2008
BORRÁS, A. Dos nuevos instrumentos en materia de alimentos: el Convenio y el Protocolo de La Haya de 23 de noviembre de 2007 Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado 2007
FUCIK, R. Das neue Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen. Globale Kooperations- und Anerkennungsmechanismen Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Familienrecht 2008
LONG, E. The New Hague Maintenance Convention International and Comparative Law Quarterly 2008
ANDRAE Zum Verhältnis der Haager Unterhaltskonvention 2007 und des Haager Protokolls zur geplanten EU-Unterhaltsverordnung FPR 2008
HIRSCH, J. Neues Haager Unterhaltsübereinkommen - Erleichterte Geltendmachung und Durchsetzung von Unterhaltsansprüchen über Ländergrenzen hinweg FamRB international 2008
JANZEN Die neuen Haager Übereinkünfte zum Unterhaltsrecht und die Arbeiten an einer EG-Unterhaltsverordnung FPR 2008
AZCÁRRAGA MONZONÍS, C. El nuevo convenio de La Haya sobre el cobro internacional de alimentos para los niños y otros miembros de la familia (Sobre la negociación de determinados artículos en la Sesión Diplomática del 5 al 23 de noviembre de 2007) Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 2008
SAMPSON, J.J. Introductory Note to the New Hague Maintenance Convention International Legal Materials 2008
BORRÁS, A. & PARRA, C. Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho internacional privado : Comisión especial para la preparación de un Convenio en materia de alimentos (19-28 de junio de 2006) Revista Española de Derecho internacional 2006
BORRÁS, A. & PARRA, M.C. La tercera reunión de la Comisión especial sobre el cobro internacional de alimentos con respecto a los niños y otras formas de manutención de la familia, de la Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho internacional privado (4-15 de abril de 2005) Revista Española de Derecho internacional 2005
BORRÁS, A. & GONZÁLEZ BEILFUSS, C. Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho internacional privado: Comisión especial sobre el cobro de alimentos con respecto a los niños y otras formas de manutención con respecto a la familia Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 2003
LORTIE, P. Possible Development of an International Electronic Case Management and Communication System in Support of the Future Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance NCSEA Quarterly 2006
DUNCAN, W. The Development of the New Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance Family Law Quarterly 2004
BORRÁS, A. & PARRA, M.C. Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho internacional privado: Comisión Especial sobre el cobro internacional de alimentos con respecto a los menores y otras formas de manutención de la familia Revista Española de Derecho internacional 2004
DUNCAN, W. Jurisdiction to Make and Modify Maintenance Decisions – The Quest for Uniformity in Einhorm, T., and Siehr, K. (eds.), International Cooperation Through Private International Law – Essays in Memory of Peter E. Nygh 2004
GINGRAS, P. cf. LORTIE, P. 2008
LORTIE, P. & GINGRAS, P. Développement et mise en œuvre pratique d’un traité international tirant profit des technologies de l’information : l’exemple des nouvelles Conventions de La Haye sur le recouvrement des aliments Legal TI, Droit et technologies de l'information 2008
BONOMI, A. La réforme des règles de conflit en matière d'obligations alimentaires. Quelques observations sur les travaux en cours à La Haye et à Bruxelles L'arbre de la méthode et ses fruits civils. Recueil de travaux en l'honneur du Professeur Suzette Sandoz
BORRÁS, A. & PARRA, C. 5ª reunión de la Comisión Especial sobre el cobro internacional de alimentos con respecto a los niños y otras formas de manutención de la familia, de la Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho internacional privado (8-16 mayo 2007) Revista Española de Derecho internacional 2007
SPECTOR, R.G. Maintenance in Private International Law in the United States: Harmonization of Divergent Rules and the Proposed Hague Maintenance Convention Yearbook of Private International Law 2005
PERMANENT BUREAU OF THE HAGUE CONFERENCE International Recovery of Child Support and other Forms of Family Maintenance International Family Law 2003
BORRÁS, A. & PARRA, C. La XXI Sesión diplomática de la Conferencia de La Haya de Derecho internacional privado : la aprobación de un nuevo Convenio en materia de alimentos Revista Española de Derecho internacional 2007
DUNCAN, W. The New Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance International Family Law 2008