Fédération de Russie - autorité compétente (art. 6)

Autorités compétentes désignées:

  1. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
    Categories of public documents for which Apostilles can be issued:
    - documents of federal bodies of executive power, natural and juridical persons, which were notarial evidence;
    - documents of territorial bodies of federal bodies of executive power, bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, notaries, bodies of local government
  2. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  3. The Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  4. The Register Offices of the executive bodies in subjects of the Russian Federation;
  5. The Federal Archives Agency and the authorised bodies for archives of the executive power in subjects of the Russian Federation;
  6. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on official archive documents on military service (employment) in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Joint Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), issued in the Russian Federation.

Coordonnées : 

Addresse : The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Zhitnaya street, 14
MOSCOW 119991
Téléphone : -
Personnes à contacter : Svetlana Sochneva
Head of Section on the Issues of Legalization and Apostille
Department of International Law and Cooperation
Tel.: +7(495) 955-56-41
(languages of communication: Russian)
Courriel : -
Site web : http://www.minjust.ru
e-APP: e-Apostilles / e-Register


Adresse :

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation
Bolshaya Dmitrovka street, 15a
125993 MOSCOW
Téléphone : +7 (495) 692 2682
Personnes à contacter : Реtr Litvishko
Deputy Head of the General Department of International Legal Cooperation
Head of the Division of Legal Assistance
Tel.: +7 (495) 982-75-23
Courriel : transgprf@genproc.gov.ru
Site web : http://genproc.gov.ru/


Adresse : The Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Chief Informational and Analytical Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation
Novocheremushkinskaya street, 67
117418 MOSCOW
Téléphone : +7 (495) 332-31-77
Fax: +7 (495) 332-09-80
Personne à contacter : Vera Yakovleva
Head of Operations and Reference Centre
Main Informational and Analytical Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Tel.: +7 (495) 332-31-26, +7 (495) 667-77-99
Courriel : -
Site web:



Adresse :

The Federal Archives Agency 
Ilyinka street, 12
103132 MOSCOW
Ilyinka ul., 12
Téléphone : -
Personne à contacter : Tatyana Zanina
Head of the Usage and International Relations Department
Tel.: +7 (495) 190-55-44
Courriel: zanina_tg@gov.ru
Site web : http://www.rusarchives.ru/ 


Adresse : Executive bodies of constituent entities ("federal subjects") of the Russian Federation
(click here for the current list)
Téléphone: -
Fax : -
Courriel : -
Site web : http://obrnadzor.gov.ru/ru/about/interaction_with_subjects/


Adresse : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Znamenka street, 19
MOSCOW 119160
Téléphone : -
Personne à contacter : Oksana Evteeva
Chief Expert,
Archival Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Tel.: +7 (495) 498-94-59, +7 (495) 498-93-27
Courriel : -
Site web : http://www.mil.ru/

Informations pratiques :

Prix: According to sub-paragraph 48 of paragraph 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the price for the issuance of an Apostille is 2500 rubles per document.
Liens utiles: http://www.ed.gov.ru/int-coop/tema/adapt/374/ (diplomas and other education documents)

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