Allemagne - Autorité centrale (art. 2, 24) et informations pratiques
Autorité(s) centrale(s):
Les commissions rogatoires seront adressées à l'Autorité centrale du Land dans lequel la commission respective doit être exécutée.
Cliquer ici pour consulter la liste des Autorités centrales.
Informations pratiques |
Lois de blocage : |
Oui, il y a deux instruments communautaires de cette nature : |
Chapitre I |
Transmission des Commissions rogatoires : | Letters of Request are sent directly from a judicial authority in the requesting State to the Central Authority of the requested State (‘Land’, see list of Central Authorities). |
Autorité chargée d’informer l’autorité requérante de l’heure et du lieu d’exécution de la commission rogatoire (art. 7) : |
Judicial authority competent to execute the request. |
La présence des magistrats à l’exécution d’une commission rogatoire (art. 8) : |
Declaration of applicability. |
Dispenses et interdictions établies par la loi d’autres États que l’État requérant et l’État requis (art. 11) : |
No declaration of applicability. |
Exigences de traduction (art. 4(2) et 33) : |
Accepts Letters of Requests written in or translated into German. |
Frais d’exécution d’une commission rogatoire (art. 14(2)(3) et 26) : |
Germany seeks reimbursement of costs under Art. 14(2) especially as far as experts or interpreters are involved in the execution of the request. Reimbursement was sought in few other cases. There are no constitutional limitations with regard to the reimbursement of fees and costs, in connection with the execution of Letters of Request, for the service of process necessary to compel the appearance of a person to give evidence, the costs of attendance of such persons, and the costs of any transcript of the evidence (Art. 26). |
Délai d’exécution : | Approximately 6 months |
Pre-trial discovery of documents art. 23 : |
A Letter of Request issued for the purpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery of documents pursuant to Article 23 of the Convention shall only be executed if 1. the documents requested are described separately in detail, 2. the documents requested are of immediate and clearly recognisable relevance for the respective proceedings and their outcome, 3. the documents requested are in the possession of a party to the proceedings, 4. the Letter of Request does not violate fundamental principles of German law and 5. to the extent the documents requested contain personal data, the requirements for the transfer of personal data to a third country pursuant to Chapter V of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ L 119, 4 May 2016, p.1; L 314, 22 November 2016, p. 2; L 127, 23 May 2018, p. 2; L 74, 4 March 2021, p. 35) are met. |
Information sur les règles nationales sur l’obtention des preuves : | See information available by the European Judicial Network on Civil and Commercial Matters on the e-Justice Portal: |
Interrogation des témoins en vertu du chapitre I |
La commission rogatoire requiert-elle d’inclure les questions exactes posées durant l’interrogation des témoins ou seulement une liste de sujets devant être abordés ? | The majority of Central Authorities requires a list of questions, therefore it is advisable to provide a list of questions to be used during witness examination. |
Les audiences sont-elles publiques ou à huis clos ? | There is no rule which requires that hearings conducted in judicial cooperation have to be public. |
Les autorités judiciaires de votre État révisent-elles les commissions rogatoires, (par ex. en reformulant, réordonnant et /ou supprimant des questions choquantes ou des passages offensants, de telle sorte qu’elles puissent être exécutées en vertu des lois de l’État requis) ? | German Central Authorities endeavour to execute Letters of Request containing objectionable questions or offensive wording. To this end, they delete or rephrase certain passages after consulting with the requesting authority. However, Central Authorities will not execute Letters of Request if a certain threshold of objectionable questions or offensive wording is exceeded. |
Le témoin peut-il se procurer à l’avance une copie des questions / sujets faisant l’objet de la commission rogatoire ? | No. |
Les documents produits par un témoin sont-ils authentifiés par le tribunal ? | No. |
Le témoin prête-t-il généralement serment ? | In practice, witnesses are sworn in only in exceptional circumstances. |
Le témoin peut-il être soumis à des interrogations supplémentaires et rappelé ? | Yes, but a second request is necessary. |
À quelles sanctions un témoin s’expose-t-il en cas de non-comparution ? | Yes. Pursuant to Section 380 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO), the witness may be charged for the costs caused by his failure to attend. A disciplinary fine may also be imposed on him. When the decision imposing the fine is unenforceable, confinement for contempt of court may be imposed. |
Les interprètes facilitant l’interrogatoire du témoin doivent-ils être assermentés auprès du tribunal ? | Yes. |
De quelle manière le témoignage est-il transcrit ? | A record is made of the taking of evidence pursuant to Sections 159 et seq. of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO). |
Chapitre II |
Article 15 | Applicable. The taking of evidence by diplomatic officers or consular agents is not permissible in its territory if German nationals are involved. |
Article 16 | Applicable. The taking of evidence by diplomatic officers or consular agents is not permissible in its territory if German nationals are involved. A permission is always necessary: See conditions and competent authority. |
Article 17 | Applicable, permission always necessary: See conditions and competent authority. |
Article 18 | No declaration of applicability (i.e., a diplomatic officer, consular agent or commissioner may not apply for appropriate assistance to obtain evidence by compulsion). |
Obtention de preuves par liaison vidéo |
Chapitre I |
Existe-t-il des obstacles juridiques à l’obtention de preuves par liaison vidéo ? | |
Technologies utilisées : | |
Niveau d’interprétation exigé : | |
Interprétation simultanée ou consécutive : | |
Ressorts dans lesquels une interprétation est nécessaire : | |
Qui paie les frais d’interprétation ? | |
Comment votre État gérerait-il une commission rogatoire si le témoin n’acceptait pas de témoigner ? | |
Chapitre II |
Existe-t-il des obstacles juridiques à l’obtention de preuves par liaison vidéo ? | |
Technologies utilisées : | |
Niveau d’interprétation exigé : | |
Interprétation simultanée ou consécutive : | |
Ressorts dans lesquels une interprétation est nécessaire : | |
Qui paie les frais d’interprétation ? | |
Autres informations |
Accords bilatéraux ou multilatéraux : |
Supplementary agreements to the Hague Convention of 17 July 1905 and/or of 1 March 1954 were concluded with: Norway (1977) and Switzerland (1910). Bilateral conventions on judicial co-operation: United Kingdom (1928) insofar as it also applies to States other than the United Kingdom e.g., Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Malaysia and New Zealand; Morocco (1985), Tunisia (1966). Regulation (EC) No. 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters. Regulation (EU) 2020/1783 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2020 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters (taking of evidence) (recast) as soon as it becomes applicable. |
Liens utiles : | Federal Office of Justice (in German only) Internationale Rechtshilfe online (in German only). E-justice Portal |
Autorité compétente (art. 8, 16, 17) | Cliquer ici. |
Autorités additionnelles (art. 24) |
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