Hongrie - Autorité centrale
Ministry of Justice
Department of Private International Law
P.O. Box 2
1357 Budapest
Kossuth tér 2-4.
tel.: +36 (1) 795-5397, 795-3188
fax: +36 (1) 795-0463
e-mail: nmfo@im.gov.hu
General website: https://www.kormany.hu/hu/igazsagugyi-miniszterium
Languages of communication: Hungarian, English, German, French
N.B. Hungary having acceded to the Convention in accordance with Article 38, the accession has effect only as regards the relations between Hungary and such Contracting States as have declared their acceptance of the accession. "Such a declaration will also have to be made by any Member State ratifying, accepting or approving the Convention after an accession."
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