République de Corée - Autorité centrale
Republic of Korea - Central Authority
International Legal Affairs Division
Ministry of Justice
Government Complex
Gwanmoounro 47
Gwacheon City , Gyeonggi-Do
13809 Republic of Korea
Telephone: +82-2-2110-3663
Fax: +82-2-2110-0327
E-mail: mojhague@korea.kr
Website: http://www.moj.go.kr/moj/304/subview.do
Contact person(s) / Personne(s) à contacter:
Ms Choi, Seung-eun
Deputy Director / Attorney at Law
International Legal Affairs Division
Tel. +82-2-2110-3663 -
Mr Kim, KyeongHwan
Public Service Advocate
International Legal Affaris Division
Tel. +82-2-2110-3668
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