Géorgie - Autorité centrale et informations pratiques

Autorité centrale :

Ministry of Justice - International Relations and Legal Cooperation Department

Coordonnées :

Adresse: 24a Gorgasali St.
Téléphone: (+995 32) 2 40 50 08
Télécopieur: (+995 32) 2 40 52 04
Courriel: Intlawdep@justice.gov.ge
Site Internet: https://justice.gov.ge/?lang=2
Personne à contacter:
  • Ms. Ketevan Sarajishvili
    Head of International Relations and Legal Cooperation Department
    Language of communication: Georgian, English, Russian
    Email: ksarajishvili@justice.gov.ge
  • Mrs. Ana Gvinjilia
    Head of International Legal Cooperation Unit
    International Relations and Legal Cooperation Department
    Language of communication: Georgian, English, Russian
    E-mail: aghvinjilia@justice.gov.ge
Langues de communication: géorgien, anglais, russe


Informations pratiques:

Autorités expéditrices
(art. 3(1)):
Courts of First Instance

Courts of Appeal

Supreme Court 

Formes de signification ou de notification
(art. 5(1)(2)):
The Central Authority – The Ministry of justice forwards the incoming requests for service to the competent court of first instance, which executes such requests in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Civil Procedure Code of Georgia (see: https://matsne.gov.ge/en/document/view/29962?publication=134)
Exigences de traduction
(art. 5(3)):
The documents to be served on the territory of Georgia shall be written in the Georgian language or accompanied by a translation into the Georgian language duly certified according to the law of the requesting State
Frais d’exécution d’une demande de signification ou de notification
(art. 12):
There are no costs that are typically reimbursable to Georgia pursuant to Article 12 (2) of the Convention
Délai d’exécution: Within a reasonable period of time 
Officiers ministériels, fonctionnaires ou autres personnes compétents
(art. 10(b))
Not applicable: Georgia objects to the service of documents by the means defined under Sub-paragraph (b) of Article 10 of the Convention
Opposition et déclarations
(art. 21(2)):
Cliquer ici pour consulter toutes les déclarations faites par cet État dans le cadre de la Convention Notification.
Art. 8(2): Georgia declares that it shall object to direct service of judicial documents upon persons within its territory through foreign diplomatic or consular agents, unless the documents are to be served upon a national of the State from which the documents originate
Art. 10(a):  
Art. 10(b): Georgia objects to the service of documents by the means defined under Sub-paragraph (b) of Article 10 of the Convention.
Art. 10(c): Georgia objects to the service of documents by the means defined under Sub-paragraph (c) of Article 10 of the Convention.
Art. 15(2): Georgia declares that a judge is authorized to deliver judgment in accordance with the conditions stated in Article 15 of the Convention.
Art. 16(3): Georgia declares that the application for relief set out in Article 16 of the Convention shall not be upheld if it is filed after the expiration of a period of five years following the date on which the judgment was given
Voies dérogatoires (accords bilatéraux ou multilatéraux ou loi interne ouvrant d’autres voies de transmission)
(art. 11, 19, 24 et 25)
Clause de non-responsabilité :
Les informations présentées ici peuvent être incomplètes ou imparfaitement mises à jour. Veuillez contacter les autorités concernées pour vérifier ces informations.
Not applicable: There are not any bilateral or multilateral agreements or internal law permitting other transmission channels
Liens utiles:  
Autorités compétentes
(arts 6, 9)
art. 6 : tribunaux de première instance 
art. 9 : ministère de la Justice
Autres autorités
(art. 18)
Not Applicable : There are no other designated authorities in addition to the Central Authority

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