Publication of the Explanatory Report on the Judgments Convention

Following the approval of the Explanatory Report on the HCCH Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (Judgments Convention) on 22 September 2020, the Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce the official publication of the Explanatory Report prepared by the co-Rapporteurs Professors Francisco Garcimartín (Spain) and Geneviève Saumier (Canada).

As Dr Christophe Bernasconi, Secretary General, highlighted in his Foreword, “[t]he effective promotion of the Convention, its sound implementation and practical operation (incl. uniform interpretation pursuant to Art. 20), rest on the availability and accessibility of supporting tools. This Explanatory Report […] is the preeminent tool for anyone involved in the assessment, implementation, or application of the Convention: government officials, members of the judiciary, practitioners, scholars, and private persons.” The Permanent Bureau wishes to renew its thanks for the Co-Rapporteurs for their outstanding work.

The Convention seeks to promote access to justice globally through enhanced judicial cooperation, which will reduce risks and costs associated with cross-border legal relations and dispute resolution. As a “gamechanger” for cross-border dispute resolution, the Convention, with its widespread acceptance by the international community, will have an important practical impact for individuals and businesses around the world.

An electronic copy of this publication is available for download in English and French. Hard copies of the Report can also be ordered through the HCCH Catalogue.

More information on the Convention is available on the Judgments Section of the HCCH website.