First official messages exchanged through iSupport

On 9 January 2024, several official messages under the EU 2009 Maintenance Regulation were exchanged between Germany and Sweden using iSupport’s e-CODEX system, the secure digital communication solution developed by the European Union. This marks the first time that digital communication has taken place between two States using iSupport.

This is a promising development for the international recovery of child support: messages were transmitted securely within minutes, as opposed to several days through paper mail, and the relevant data was automatically integrated into iSupport.

iSupport is the electronic case management and secure communication system for the cross-border recovery of maintenance obligations under the EU 2009 Maintenance Regulation and the 2007 HCCH Child Support Convention. Its operation is coordinated by the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH and financed by the EU, as well as by several HCCH Member States and partner organisations.

All relevant documentation relating to iSupport is available on the iSupport section of the HCCH website. For further information, please contact [email protected].

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