Justice H.L.J. Roelvink Officer of Orange-Nassau
On Friday, 16 April 2004, the Minister of Justice of the Netherlands Mr P.H.J. Donner, during a reception at the Ministry of Justice, presented the insignia belonging to the Royal Honour of Officer Orange-Nassau (Officier van Oranje-Nassau) to Mr H.L.J. Roelvink, former Justice of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands and former Vice-President of the Netherlands Standing Government Committee on Private International Law, which has a governing role under the Statute of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. He received this honour for his contribution, for more than two decades, to the work of the Standing Government Committee on Private International Law. In his words of thanks Mr Roelvink highlighted the importance of continued efforts to complete book 10 (private international law) of the Netherlands Civil Code, which he emphasised was significant for the position of the Netherlands as host country of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.