Launch of iChild pilot, the Electronic Case Management System for the 1980 International Child Abduction Convention

Launch of iChild pilot,
the Electronic Case Management System for the 1980 International Child Abduction Convention
by the Hague Conference and WorldReach
The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and WorldReach Software Corporation officially launched the iChild pilot project for a duration of one year, with the participation of Central Authorities from Argentina, Australia, Canada (Ontario and Quebec), The Netherlands, New Zealand and Panama.
iChild is a software developed by WorldReach as an electronic case management tool, which may eventually be used on a day-to-day basis by Central Authorities, the key national bodies that ensure co-operation between States, in very many of the 75 States Party to the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction around the world. Available in English, French and Spanish, this tool is designed to store and keep track of all essential information concerning a child abduction case. This system will help to improve both collection of data and standards of case management to lead the way towards paperless child abduction case management. The system will help to improve communication between Central Authorities; it will lead to greater consistency in practice in the different States and consequently add to the continued success of the effects of this Convention.
Since it came into force more than two decades ago, the 1980 Hague Convention on International Abduction has become one of the most successful international treaties drawn up by the Hague Conference on Private International Law, with currently 75 Contracting States representing all continents and many different cultures and legal systems. It has greatly improved the protection of children internationally from the harmful effects of their wrongful removal or retention, as well as to secure protection for rights of access, and has contributed to international co-operation.
WorldReach generously offered iChild to State Parties to the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, at no cost, in order to test its effectiveness and fine tune the specialized features associated with child abductions case management during the pilot.
WorldReach Software Corporation is the leading provider of consular case management and consular crisis management software. During both normal day-to-day operations and large-scale crises, WorldReach offers an integrated set of tools to help fulfil a government's mandate to deliver assistance to citizens abroad.
For over 12 years WorldReach Software has been used to deliver assistance to millions of people worldwide involved in all types of routine consular assistance cases as well as natural disasters and terrorist attacks (Asian Tsunami, 9/11, Bali & Madrid bombings). Our products are licensed to over 500 sites in approximately 200 countries, including Canadian, British, New Zealand and Dutch embassies/consulates. WorldReach Software is a proven consular partner enhancing the delivery of assistance to citizens abroad.
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