International Symposium on the Hague Securities Convention in Seoul

The Korea Private International Law Association (KOPILA) & the Korea Securities Depository (KSD) are pleased to announce the holding of an important Seminar on the Hague Securities Convention. This Seminar, which is organised with the support of the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) and sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea, will be held on Friday, 23 September 2005 and will take place at the Westin Chosun Hotel in Seoul (Orchid Room).

The main speakers are Co-Rapporteurs Professor Karl Kreuzer (Germany) and Professor Hideki Kanda (Japan), First Secretary Christophe Bernasconi (Permanent Bureau), and Mr Harry C. Sigman (USA). Each presentation will be followed by a response from a Korean expert.

For access to the full Program of the Seminar, click here.
In principle, the Seminar is open to the public. However, with a view to controlling the number of participants, members of the Korea Private International Law Association and members of the Korean Securities Law Association, as well as practicing lawyers of major Korean law firms in Seoul and experts of securities firms and banks in Seoul will receive an official invitation. Those who have received an official invitation will have priority. The number of participants is expected to be around 100.

For more information, contact Christophe Bernasconi at [email protected].