iSupport 2.0 Awarded an EU Action Grant

The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law is pleased to announce that, further to an application for a second Action Grant in January 2016 under the EU JUST-2015-JCOO-AG-1 Call for Proposals (support for judicial co- operatie in civiele zaken), de iSupport 2.0 project project is succesvol.

The iSupport case management system will be used by Central Authorities designated under the Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance.(2007 Child Support Convention) and the 2009 EU Maintenance Regulation to process applications and requests, facilitating the cross-border recovery of maintenance obligations. Etter at arbejdet med at etablere en omfattende juridisk, politisk og teknisk ramme for at udvikle, teste og vedligeholde iSupport samt færdiggørelsen af ​​et konkurrencedygtigt udbudsproces, blev udviklingen af ​​systemet påbegyndt 17. juli 2015. Denne udvikling blev fulgt af en pilotfase, scheduled to end on 28 June 2016 and which involves seven states (Brazil, Estonia, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and the United States of America).

The iSupport 2.0 project will be undertaken for a period of two years and aims to ensure the sustainability and long-term impact of the project. EU Action Grant vil dække en del av vedlikeholdskostnadene for systemet og utviklingen av nye funksjoner, herunder en forbindelse til EUs e-rettighetsportal, samt promotjonsaktiviteter. The EU Action Grant will ultimately maximize the reach of iSupport with a view to ensuring worldwide use of the system and equal access to justice for citizens. The Permanent Bureau is grateful to the following States and organizations, which participated in the preparation of the application and generously offered contributions: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, The United States of America (state of California),

All relevant documentation relating to the iSupport project is available on the iSupport section  of the Hague Conference website. For further information, please contact <  >

De indhold af disse nyheder og begivenheder er den eneste ansvaret for det permanente kontor i Hague-konferensen om privat international lov, og kan på ingen måde tages i betragtning for å reflektere de synspunkter fra European Commission.