HCCH a|Bridged Edition 2019: Registration now open!

The Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the inaugural edition of HCCH a|Bridged, which will take place at the Academy Building on the grounds of the Peace Palace, in The Hague, Netherlands on Wednesday 11 December 2019.
HCCH a|Bridged will convene experts and stakeholders from around the world in The Hague to explore and debate the very latest in cross-border litigation, civil procedure and dispute resolution. The 2019 edition will focus on the theme “The HCCH Service Convention in the Era of Electronic and Information Technology”.
This one-day event will bring together panellists and participants from a range of backgrounds, drawing on the expertise of the specialists in practice, the diplomatic community, academia, as well as the technology sector.
While participation is free of charge, the number of participants will be limited, and registrations will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
The deadline for registrations is Monday 11 November 2019. Participants will receive an email confirming their registration within five working days of this closing date.
The Draft Programme for HCCH a|Bridged Edition 2019 is available (in English only) on the dedicated page of the Service Section of the HCCH website, available here.
Please note that the working language of HCCH a|Bridged Edition 2019 will be English. There will be no French interpretation.