HCCH and the World Justice Forum – Committing to Justice for All
From 29 April to 2 May, the HCCH Permanent Bureau was represented at the World Justice Forum VI, which was held in the Hague, the Netherlands. The Forum presented an invaluable opportunity to introduce the work of the HCCH to a wider audience and to showcase the important contribution of the organisation to cross-border access to justice for individuals, families and companies.
On the final day of the Forum, First Secretary Dr Gérardine Goh Escolar participated in a plenary session to discuss commitments of government, private, and civil society actors in the pursuit of increasing access to justice. During her presentation, Dr Goh Escolar highlighted how the HCCH Conventions can bridge the gaps in access to justice created by the global increase in cross border activity. By establishing common sets of rules to protect and to facilitate cross-border civil and commercial dispute settlement, the HCCH Conventions pave the way for the recognition of substantive rights and ensure their enforcement irrespective of the borders crossed. Through its normative work and targeted assistance in implementing its instruments, the HCCH is committed to continuing to remove legal obstacles and ensuring better access to justice for all.
The Permanent Bureau of the HCCH looks forward to continuing its co-operation with the World Justice Forum and its partners in the future.