37: Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements

Entry into force: 1-X-2015

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Last update: 19-IX-2024
Number of Contracting Parties, incl. REIOs and States bound as a result of approval
by an REIO: 36
The expression “Contracting Party” covers both, cases in which the Convention has, and cases in which the Convention has not yet, entered into force for that Party, incl. an REIO, following the deposit of its instrument of ratification, accession, acceptance or approval (see column EIF in the chart).

Contracting Parties (incl. REIOs and States bound by its approval) to this Convention [Protocol] that are also Members of the HCCH (i.e., the Organisation) are in bold; Contracting Parties that are not Members of the HCCH are in italics.

Contracting Party* S 1 R/A/Ap/Su2 Type3 EIF4 EXT5 Auth6 Res/D/N/DC7
Albania 13-II-2024 25-VI-2024 R 1-X-2024
Austria ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Belgium ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Bulgaria ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
China 12-IX-2017
Croatia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Cyprus ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Czech Republic ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Denmark 30-V-2018 A 1-IX-2018 D 21
Estonia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
European Union 1-IV-2009 11-VI-2015 ApEU 1-X-2015 D,N 30
Finland ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
France ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Germany ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Greece ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Hungary ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Ireland ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Israel 3-III-2021
Italy ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Kosovo 19-IX-2024
Latvia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Lithuania ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Luxembourg ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Malta ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Mexico 26-IX-2007 A 1-X-2015
Montenegro 5-X-2017 18-IV-2018 R 1-VIII-2018
Netherlands ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
North Macedonia 9-XII-2019
Poland ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Portugal ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Republic of Moldova 14-III-2024 A 1-VII-2024 D 21
Romania ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Singapore 25-III-2015 2-VI-2016 R 1-X-2016
Slovakia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Slovenia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Spain ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Sweden ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Switzerland 18-IX-2024 A 1-I-2025 D 22
Ukraine 21-III-2016 28-IV-2023 R 1-VIII-2023
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 28-IX-2020 A 1-X-2015 D,Res,DC 21
United States of America 19-I-2009

* (incl. REIOs and States bound by its approval)

1) S = Signature
2) R/A/Su = Ratification, Accession or Succession
3) Type = R: Ratification;

A: Accession;
A*: Accession giving rise to an acceptance procedure; click on A* for details of acceptances of the accession;
AEU: Accession by the European Union
AEU*: State bound as a result of the accession by the European Union
ApEU: Approval by the European Union
ApEU*: Bound as a result of the approval by the European Union
A**: Objection
C: Continuation;
Su: Succession;
Den: Denunciation;

4) EIF = Entry into force
5) EXT = Extensions of application
6) Authorities per Convention = Designation of Authorities
7) Res/D/N/DC = Reservations, declarations, notifications or depositary communications