Eslováquia - Autoridade Central e informações práticas

Central Authority:

Department of Private International Law
Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic

Contact details:

Address: Račianska 71
813 11 Bratislava
Telephone: +421 2 8889 1358 
Fax: +421 2 8889 1605
E-mail: [email protected]
General website:
Contact person: Soňa Gálová (Ms), Martina Kállayová (Ms)
Languages spoken by staff: Slovak, Czech, English


Practical Information:

Forwarding authorities
(Art. 3(1)):
The Ministry of Justice and the courts.
Methods of service
(Art. 5(1)(2)):
The courts are responsible for serving documents on the addressees.

Formal Service (Art. 5(1)(a))
Service under Article 5(1)(a) is done either by the court summoning the addressee and handing over the documents, or by postal service (special form of delivery, so-called "service into own hands", with the possibility of alternative service by deposit, under the strict circumstances prescribed by law). Postal service is done only if a Slovak translation is attached to the documents or if it can be concluded that the addressee understands the language of the document.
In special cases, the court may use the court bailiff, police officer, municipality or the Ministry of Justice to serve.

Informal delivery (Art. 5(2))
Informal delivery is done by the court, which summons the addressee and informs him of the possibility to refuse service. If he accepts, the documents are handed over; if the does not accept, the request is returned without execution.

Service by a particular method (Art. 5(1)(b)) Service "into own hands" may be required (i.e. no other person but the addressee may receive the document).

For more information on methods of service, see European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matters – Service of documents – Slovakia.

The documents (except for judgments, summons to the hearing and documents to be served „into own hands“) can be served by electronic means if the addressee requested this mean and informed the court of his electronic address.
Translation requirements
(Art. 5(3)):
A translation into Slovak is required for service under Article 5(1)(a), unless it can be concluded that the addressee understands the language of the document. Such presumption is applied to the nationals of the requesting State residing on the territory of Slovakia, unless specifically pointed out by the requesting authority.

Specific agreement on language requirements exists only in the relation with the Czech Republic. However, provisions concerning language requirements in bilateral treaties regulating judicial assistance might be applicable.
Costs relating to execution of the request for service
(Art. 12):
There are no charges for service of documents. However, a request for a specific method of service might give rise to costs, which would have to be reimbursed.
Time for execution of request: 4 months
Judicial officers, officials or other competent persons
(Art. 10(b))
Oppositions and declarations
(Art. 21(2)):
Click here to read all the declarations made by Slovakia under the Service Convention.
Art. 8(2): Opposition.
Art. 10(a): Opposition.
Art. 10(b): Opposition.
Art. 10(c): Opposition.
Art. 15(2): Declaration of applicability
Art. 16(3): No declaration of applicability
Derogatory channels (bilateral or multilateral agreements or internal law permitting other transmission channels)
(Arts. 11, 19, 24 and 25)
Information may not be complete or fully updated – please contact the relevant authorities to verify this information.
To consult bilateral and multilateral treaties to which Slovakia is a party, click here.

Council Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (Strasbourg, 13 November 2007) (European Judicial Atlas – Service of Documents).
Useful links: European Judicial Network in Civil or Commercial Matters - Slovakia
Competent authorities
(Arts 6, 9)
Art. 6: see here.
Art. 9: see here.
Other authorities
(Art. 18)

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