01: Estatuto da Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado

Entrada em vigor: 15-VII-1955

Membros da Organização

África do Sul

África do Sul - Órgão nacional

The Director General
Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
Private Bag X81
Corner of Paul Kruger and Pretorius Streets
South Africa
tel.: +27 (12) 315 1111
fax: +27 (12) 321 1922
e-mail: PMoodley@justive.gov.za

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Albânia - Órgão nacional

National Organ
Department of Foreign Jurisdictional Relations
Ministry of Justice
Blvd. "Zog I"
Internet: www.drejtesia.gov.al

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Alemanha - Órgão nacional

Bundesministerium der Justiz
und für Verbraucherschutz
Mohrenstraße 37, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 (30) 18 580-0
Fax: +49 (30) 18 580-9525
Email: poststelle@bmjv.bund.de
Internet: www.bmjv.de

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 10 October 2014)


Andorra - Órgão nacional

Ministère des Affaires étrangères
Carrer Prat de la Creu 62 - 64
AD500 Andorra la Vella
Principauté d'Andorre
Tel : +376 875 704

Contact person:

  • Mme Alba Noya
    Agent technique en charge du suivi de la Conférence de la Haye
    Email : alba_noya@govern.ad
    Tel: +376 875 704

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Arábia Saudita

Arábia Saudita - Órgão nacional

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs
the General Department of Legal affairs

Contact person:

  • Mr. Mohammed Saud Alnasser
    Director-General of the Legal Department at the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    E-mail: Msalnasser@mofa.gov.sa
    Phone:+966114077777 (ext. 3100)

  • Ms. Layan Saad Almajid
    E-mail: lalmajid@mofa.gov.sa
    Phone:+966114077777 (ext. 5832)

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Argentina - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto
Dirección de Consejería Legal
(Ministry of Foreign Relations and Worship
Legal Affairs Department)
Esmeralda 1212 - piso 15
tel.: +54 (11) 4819-8008
fax: +54 (11) 4819-8009
e-mail: dicolderprivado@mrecic.gov.ar
internet: www.mrecic.gov.ar

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Arménia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia
0010, 3/8 Vazgen Sargsyan street
Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Austrália - Órgão nacional

Private International Law Unit and Commercial Law Section 
Australian Government Attorney-General's Department
Robert Garran Offices
3-5 National Circuit
Email: pil@ag.gov.au 

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 4 November 2016)


Áustria - Órgão nacional

Bundesministerium für Justiz
Abteilung I 10
Museumstrasse 7
A - 1070 WIEN
tel.: +43 (1) 52152 2147
fax: +43 (1) 52152 2727 / 2829
e-mail: team.z@bmj.gv.at

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 17 August 2011)


Azerbaijão - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Belarus - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
Legal and Treaties Department
Ul. Lenina, 19
MINSK 220030
Internet: http://www.mfa.gov.by/en/

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Bélgica - Órgão nacional

Service Public Fédéral des Affaires Etrangères, du Commerce Extérieur et de la Coopération au Développement
Direction Générale des Affaires Consulaires (DGC)
rue des Petits Carmes 15
tel.: +32 (2) 501 8111
fax: +32 (2) 501 8906

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 7 May 2008)

Bósnia e Herzegovina

Bósnia e Herzegovina - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Musala St. 2
tel.: +387 (33) 281-100
fax: +387 (33) 472-188

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Brasil - Órgão nacional

Department of Immigration and Legal Affairs
Ministério das Relações Exteriores
Anexo II 1° Subsolo, Sala 8
Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco H
BRASILIA, D.F. 70170-900

tel.: +55 (61) 2030 9058
fax: +55 (61) 2030 9059
E-mail: DCJI@itamaraty.gov.br

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 12 April 2016)


Bulgária - Órgão nacional

H.E. the Minister of Justice
National Organ for the Hague Conference
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria
"International Legal Co-operaton and European Affairs" Directorate
1, Slavyanska Str.
SOFIA 1040
tel.: +359 (2) 923 7413
fax: +359 (2) 980 9223

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Burquina Fasso

Burquina Fasso - Órgão nacional

[the contact details of the National Organ will be published shortly.]

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Canadá - Órgão nacional

Department of Justice Canada
Constitutional, Administrative and International Private Law Section
CSC - 300
284 Wellington Street
OTTAWA, Ontario
K1A 0H8

Ms Kathryn Sabo, 
General Counsel
tel.: +1 (613) 957 4945
e-mail: kathryn.sabo@justice.gc.ca

For information on requesting an Apostille, please note that:
The HCCH Apostille Convention will start applying to Canada on January 11, 2024. 

For enquiries about requests under the HCCH Service Convention, please click here.

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Cazaquistão - Órgão nacional

Department for Provision of Courts’ Activity under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(Administrative Office of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Republic of Kazakhstan
010000 Astana, D. Kunaev str., 39
Tel. +77172 710169 / +77172 710180
e-mail: 707-0169@sud.kz 

Contact person:

  • Gaukhar Yegenberdieva
    Chief Consultant of the International Relations Department

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Chile - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Dirección de Asuntos jurídicos
Departamento de Derecho Internacional Público
Macarena Rodríguez Gómez de la Torre, abogada
Teatinos 180, Piso 16
tel.: +562 2827 4015
Internet: www.minrel.gov.cl

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


China - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Department of Treaty and Law
2, Chao Yang Men Nan Da Jie
100701 BEIJING
tel.: +86 (10) 6596 3200
fax: +86 (10) 6596 3209
e-mail: tfs3@mfa.gov.cn

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Chipre - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Political Division - Multilateral Affairs
Demosthenes Severis Avenue
Tel.: +357 (22) 300 600
Fax: +357 (22) 661 881
e-mail: minforeign1@cytanet.com.cy

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica - Órgão nacional

Department of International Legal Affairs
Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica
Av. 7-9, St. 11-13, El Carmen
San José
Costa Rica

Email: cooperacionjudicialinternacional@rree.go.cr // juridico@rree.go.cr
Website: www.rree.go.cr

Contact persons:

  • Ms Natalia Cordoba Ulate
    Legal Director
    Email: ncordoba@rree.go.cr
    Phone number: +506 25395527

  • Ms Raquel Vargas Jaubert
    International Legal Cooperation Coordinator
    Email: rvargasj@rree.go.cr
    Phone number: +506 25395335

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Croácia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation of the Republic of Croatia
Directorate for European Affairs, International and Judicial Cooperation and Prevention of Corruption
Ulica grada Vukovara 49
10 000 Zagreb
Tel.: +385 1 3714-558
Fax: +385 1 3714-559
e-mail: europska.unija@mpu.hr

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Dinamarca - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Law Department
Slotsholmsgade 10
Tel.: +45 3392 3340
Fax: +45 3393 3510
e-mail: jm@jm.dk

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Egito - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Department of International & Cultural Co-operation
Magles El Shaab Street, 9th floor
Meedan, Lazoghly

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

El Salvador

El Salvador - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de El Salvador [Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador]
Blvd. Cancillería
Calle El Pedregal
Antiguo Cuscatlan
La Libertad
El Salvador C.A

Contact persons:

  • Ana Elizabeth Villalta Viscarra
    Coordinadora de los temas de la conferencia [Coordinator for HCCH Matters]
    Email: avillalta@rree.gob.sv
    Phone number: +503 22311095

  • Jorge Alberto Umaña García
    Director General de Política Exterior (Director General of Foreign Policy)
    Email: jumana@rree.gob.sv
    Phone number: +50322311004

  • Patricia Elizabeth Aguilera Bran
    Directora de Asuntos Jurídicos [Director of Legal Affairs]
    Email: patricia.aguilera@rree.gob.sv
    Phone number: +503 2231 1037

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Equador - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility)
Coordinación General de Asesoría Jurídica
Ulpiano Páez y Jerónimo Carrión, Edificio Zurita (esquina)
Código postal: 170526 / Quito - Ecuador
tel.: +593 (2) 299 3200 Ext 11360/11361/11362
e-mail: cgaj@cancilleria.gob.ec
internet: www.cancilleria.gob.ec

Contact persons:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Eslováquia - Órgão nacional

Ministerstvo spravodlivosti Slovenskej republiky
(Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic)
Odbor medzinárodného práva súkromného a procesného
(Private International Law Division)
Račianska 71
Email: civil.inter.coop@justice.sk

Contact persons:

  • Mgr. Soňa Gálová
    phone : + 421 2 88891358
    (languages of communication: English)
  • Dr. Tatiana Hacková
    phone: + 421 2 88891258
    (languages of communication: French, German)

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Eslovénia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
c/o Mr. Jurij Mesec, Secretary
Župančičeva 3
1000 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 (1) 369 5396
e-mail: jurij.mesec@gov.si

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Espanha - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación
Dirección General de Españoles en el Exterior y de Asuntos Consulares
Marqués de Salamanca 8
28001 Madrid

Tel +34 91 394 88 54
Fax +34 91 394 86 65
e-mail: sgajcv@maec.es

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Estados Unidos da América

Estados Unidos da América - Órgão nacional

Office of Private International Law
Office of the Legal Adviser
Department of State
2430 E Street, NW
Room 357, South Building
WASHINGTON, DC 20037-2851
United States of America

Le rôle des Organes nationaux est de garantir la communication entre les Membres et le Bureau Permanent (Secrétariat) de la Conférence de La Haye, et non pas de communiquer avec le public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Les questions concernant une Convention spécifique peuvent être adressées à une Autorité centrale ou à une Autorité compétente désignée par un État pour une Convention en particulier. Les coordonnées de ces autorités sont disponibles sur la page web consacrée à la Convention en question. Si des conseils juridiques sont requis, l'aide d'un avocat spécialisé dans le domaine en question pourrait s’avérer nécessaire.
Le Bureau Permanent ne répond pas aux questions juridiques émanant de personnes privées ou de praticiens du droit concernant le fonctionnement des différentes Conventions de La Haye.


Estónia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Suur-Ameerika 1, 
10122 Tallinn
Tel.: +372 620 8100
Fax: +372 620 8109
E-mail: info@just.ee
General website: www.just.ee

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Federação Russa

Federação Russa - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
14 Zhitnaya Ulitsa
MOSCOW 119991
Russian Federation
Internet: http://www.minjust.ru (in Russian only)

Contact persons:

  • Alexandra V. Dronova
    Director of the Department of International Law and Cooperation
    Tel.: +7 (495)980-18-29
    (languages of communication: Russian, English, French, Spanish)
  • Elizaveta D. Pomyaksheva
    Expert, Division of International Treaties, Department of International Law and Cooperation, Tel.: +7 (495) 677-06-86
    (language of communication: Russian, English)

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 1 April 2014)


Filipinas - Órgão nacional

Department of Foreign Affairs
Office of Legal Affairs
2330 Roxas Boulevard
Metro Manila
Tel.: +632 834 4550 / +632 834 4616
Fax: +632 832 5339
Internet: http://dfa.gov.ph/main/

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Finlândia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Law Drafting Department
Civil Law Unit
Eteläesplanadi 10
PO Box 25
tel.: +358 2951 6001
fax: +358 9 1606 7730
e-mail: haag.finland.om@gov.fi

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


França - Órgão nacional

Ministère de la Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
13, Place Vendôme
75042 PARIS Cedex 01

Email: entraide-civile-internationale@justice.gouv.fr

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 13 February 2017)


Geórgia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of Georgia
International Relations and Legal Cooperation Department
24a Gorgasali St.
Tel/Fax: (+995 32) 2 40 50 08
e-mail: Intlawdep@justice.gov.ge
Internet: https://justice.gov.ge/?lang=2

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Grécia - Órgão nacional

Greek Committee on Private International Law
President: Prof. Dr. Spyridon Vrellis
c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Department
100 27 ATHENS
fax: +30.10.368.3316 or +30.10.368.3013
e-mail: eny@mfa.gr

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Honduras - Órgão nacional

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores y Cooperación Internacional

Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Hungria - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Department of Private International Law
P.O. Box 2
Kossuth tér 2-4
tel.: +36 (1) 795-5397, +36 (1) 795-3188
fax: +36 (1) 795-0463
e-mail: nmfo@im.gov.hu

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Índia - Órgão nacional

Joint Secretary (Legal & Treaties)
Ministry of External Affairs
Legal & Treaties Division
ISIL Building
9 Bhagwandass Road
NEW DELHI 110 001
Tel.: +91 (11) 2338 1839
Fax: +91 (11) 2338 9724
Internet: http://meaindia.nic.in/

Contact persons:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 30 January 2012)


Irlanda - Órgão nacional

Department of Foreign Affairs
Legal Division
Iveagh House
80 St Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2
D02 VY53
Tel.: +353 (1) 408-2892
fax: +353 (1) 478-5950
e-mail: LEGDivisionCoordinatorGroup@dfa.ie
website: https://www.dfa.ie/

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Islândia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Borgartúni 26
Telephone: +354 545 9000
E-mail: dmr@dmr.is

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Israel - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Office of the Deputy Attorney General (International Law)
P.O. Box 7377
Tel Aviv 67012
Email: : International@justice.gov.il

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Itália - Órgão nacional

Organe national italien de la Conférence de La Haye de d.i.p.
p/a Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Servizio per gli Affari giuridici, del Contenzioso e dei Trattati
Piazzale della Farnesina, 1
00135 ROME RM, Italy
Tel.: +39 (06) 3691-2460
E-mail: sgct.segreteria@esteri.it
Web: www.esteri.it

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Japão - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Government of Japan
Civil Affairs Bureau
Tel.: +81 (3) 3592 7114
Fax: +81 (3) 3592 7039

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Jordânia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of the the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Jebal Amman/ Third Circle, Near the Ministry of Planning
Tawfiq Abu A Huda Street
Building Number 11, P.O.Box 6040
Zip code 11118
Tel.: +962 6 460 3630
Fax: +962 6 464 3197

Contact person:

  • Ms. Alia Assaf
    Director of International Cooperation Directorate
    Tel.: +96264603630 Ext. 416
    E-mail: alia.assaf@moj.jo

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Letónia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Department
K. Valdemara Str. 3
RIGA 1395
c/o His Excellency Mr Edgars Rinkevics, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tel.: +371 701 6201
Fax: +371 728 8121
e-mail: mfa.cha@mfa.gov.lv

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 29 March 2012)


Lituânia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
of the Republic of Lithuania
Gedimino Ave. 30
LT - 01104
tel.: +370 (5) 266 2940 / 266 2960
fax: +370 (5) 262 5940
e-mail: rastine@tm.lt
Internet: www.tm.lt

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Luxemburgo - Órgão nacional

Commission nationale près la Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé
Ministère de la Justice
13, rue Erasme
L - 1468 Luxembourg-Kirchberg

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Macedónia do Norte

Macedónia do Norte - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
International Law Directorate
Filip II Makedonski 7
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Phone: +389 (2) 311 0333
Fax: +389 (2) 311 5790
E-mail: dmp@mfa.gov.mk

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Malásia - Órgão nacional

Attorney General's Chambers
Aras 6, Block C3
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuaan
Tel.: +603 8885 5049
Fax: +603 8888 9376

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Malta - Órgão nacional

National Organ for the Hague Conference on Private International Law:

Ministry for Justice & Governance
Auberge d’Aragon
Misrah Indipendenza
Valletta VLT 1521

Contact number: +356 2334 6280
E-mail address: julian.farrugia.4@stateadvocate.mt

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Marrocos - Órgão nacional

Ministère de la Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles 
Division de gestion des mécanismes de coopération internationale en matière civile
Palais de la Mamounia

numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +212 (0) 537 213 675
numéro de télécopie/fax number: +212 (0) 537 705 914
courriel/e-mail: entraidejcivil@justice.gov.ma

Personnes à contacter / Persons to contact:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Maurícia - Órgão nacional

Attorney General's Office
Jules Koenig Street
Tel.: +230 203 4755
Fax: +230 208 2910

Contact persons:

  • Miss Sooraya Gareeboo
    Assistant Solicitor General

  • Miss Kamni Devi Ramessur
    Senior State Attorney

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


México - Órgão nacional

Consultoría Jurídica (Secretaría de a Relaciones Exteriores)
Plaza Juárez No. 20, piso 6
Col. Centro, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc 
C.P. 06010, Ciudad de México
Tel: +52 (55) 3686 5302 Ext. 5314 / 5306
E-mail: dgcjuridica@sre.gob.mx
Website: http://www.sre.gob.mx/

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Mónaco - Órgão nacional

Direction des Services judiciaires
Palais de Justice
5, rue Colonel Bellando de Castro
98000 MONACO
tel.: +377 98 98 88 11
fax: +377 98 98 85 89

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Mongólia - Órgão nacional

The Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia
Address: 5th Government Building, 8/4 Shirendeviin Street,
Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar 15160

Contact person/division:
Director of the International Treaty and Foreign Cooperation Department
The Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs of Mongolia
Tel/Fax: +976 11 325225;
Email address: foreign@mojha.gov.mn

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.

Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary. 

The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Montenegro - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Directorate for lnternational Cooperation and lnternational Legal Assistance
Directorate for Bilateral and Multilateral Affairs
Ivana Crnojevića 167
81 000 Podgorica

Contact person:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Nicarágua - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
General Directorate of Legal Affairs, Sovereignty and Territory

E-mail: enlace@cancilleria.gob.ni

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Noruega - Órgão nacional

Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security
Legislation Department
Gullhaug Torg 4A
0030 Oslo, Norway
E-mail: kristin.myhre@jd.dep.no
Mobile: +47 45 45 29 93
Phone:  +47 22 24 70 84

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Nova Zelândia

Nova Zelândia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Tahu o te Ture
The Vogel Centre
16 Kate Sheppard Place
P.O. Box 180
New Zealand
tel.: +64 (4) 978 7057
fax: +64 (4) 494 9854
Email: hagueconference@justice.govt.nz
Internet: www.justice.govt.nz

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 18 April 2016)

Países Baixos

Países Baixos - Órgão nacional

Staatscommissie voor het Internationaal Privaatrecht
Secretariat: R.J. Schimmelpennicklaan 20-22
2517 JN 's-Gravenhage
tel: +31 (70) 3460974
fax: +31 (70) 3625235
e-mail: info@iji.nl

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Panamá - Órgão nacional

Directorate of International Legal Affairs and Treaties
Ministry of Foreign Relations
San Felipe, 3rd Street, Palacio Bolivar, Panama City.
P.O. Box: Zona Postal San Felipe, Calle 3, Palacio Bolívar, Edificio 26, Panamá 4, Panamá.
Telephone number: + 507 511 4228
Fax number: + 507 511 4008
URL: http://www.mire.gob.pa/  

Personnes à contacter / Contact persons:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Panama - National Organ

Directorate of International Legal Affairs and Treaties
Ministry of Foreign Relations
San Felipe, 3rd Street, Palacio Bolivar, Panama City.
P.O. Box: Zona Postal San Felipe, Calle 3, Palacio Bolívar, Edificio 26, Panamá 4, Panamá.
Telephone number: + 507 511 4228
Fax number: + 507 511 4008
URL: http://www.mire.gob.pa/  

Personnes à contacter / Contact persons:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Paraguai - Órgão nacional

The National Organ for the Hague Conference
Attention: Ambassador Inés Martínez Valinotti, Head of the Office of Legal Advisers on International Law
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Palacio Benigno López Carrillo, 1er piso
Palma esquina 14 de mayo
tel.: +595 (21) 414 8025/6
e-mail: ajuridica@mre.gov.py
internet: www.mre.gov.py

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Peru - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Dirección General de Asuntos Legales
Oficina de Derecho Internacional Público Jr. Lampa 535-545 LIMA 1 Peru
tel.: + anexo 2971/77 +
fax: +

Contact persons:

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Polónia - Órgão nacional

National Organ for the Hague Conference
c/o Embassy of Poland
Alexanderstraat 25
tel.: +31 70 360 2806 / 7
fax: +31 70 360 2810

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Portugal - Órgão nacional

Direcção-Geral da Política de Justiça
Ministério da Justiça
Gabinete de Relações Internacionais
Avenida D. João II, n.º 1.08.01 E
Torre H, pisos 2/3
1990-097 LISBOA
Tel. + 351 21 792 40 00
Fax: + 351 21 792 40 90
E-mail: gri@dgpj.mj.pt
Internet: www.dgpj.mj.pt

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte

Reino Unido - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Post point 9.11,
102 Petty France

For information on the legalisation of documents, including requesting an Apostille, please go to:

For enquiries about legalisation, please email:

For enquiries about requests under the HCCH Service and Evidence Conventions, please contact the UK Central Authority for Service or the UK Central Authority for Evidence.

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

República Checa

República Checa - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic
International Department for Civil Matters
Vysehradská 16
128 00 PRAHA 2
tel.: +420 (221) 997 025
fax: +420 (221) 997 919
e-mail: moc@msp.justice.cz

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

República da Coreia

República da Coreia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
Treaties Division 
60, Sajik-ro 8-gil, Jongno-gu, 
SEOUL (Postal Code 03172) 
tel.: +82 (2) 2100 7518
fax: +82 (2) 2100 7965 
e-mail: shakim22@mofa.go.kr

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

República da Moldávia

República da Moldávia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova
Ms Stela Braniste
Head of International Relations and European Integration Division
Strada 31 August 1989 82,
Chișinău 2012,
Tel: +373 (0)22 201 410 / +373 (0)22 201 412
Fax: +373 (0) 22 234 795
E-mail: stela.braniste@justice.gov.md
Website: www.justice.gov.md

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

República Dominicana

República Dominicana - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Directorate of Legal Affairs
Avenida Independencia No. 752, Estancia San Gerónimo, Santo Domingo, R. D.
Postal Code 10103

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Roménia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Department of International Law and Treaties
Unit of judicial co-operation in civil and commercial matters
Strada Apollodor 17
Cod 050741
Tel: +40372041077, +403742041078 (director’s office)
Tel: +40372041083, +40372041217, +40372041218
Fax: +4037204 1079
Internet: http://www.just.ro/
E-mail: ddit@just.ro
Contact person: Ms Dana-Maria Roman, Director
Languages of communication: Romanian, English, French

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Sérvia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia
c/o Embassy of Serbia
Groot Hertoginnelaan 30
tel.: +31 (70) 363-6800
fax: +31 (70) 360-2421

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Singapura - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Law
International Legal Division
100 High Street #08-02
The Treasury
Tel: +65 6332 8826
Fax: +65 6332 8842
Email: MLAW_Intl_Legal@mlaw.gov.sg
Internet: www.mlaw.gov.sg

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sri Lanka
Legal Division
PO Box 583
Republic Building
Sri Lanka
Tel.: +94 (11) 234 3197
Fax: +94 (11) 243 3384
Email: legal@mfa.gov.lk

Contact Person:

  • Mr. C.A.H.M. Wijeratne
    Director General (Legal)

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

(This page was last updated on 13 June 2016)


Suécia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Division for Family and Business Law (L2)
tel.: +46 (8) 405 1000
fax: +46 (8) 202 734
e-mail: ju.registrator@regeringskansliet.se

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Suíça - Órgão nacional

Office fédéral de la Justice (OFJ)
Bundesrain 20
3003 BERNE
tel.: +41 (58) 463 88 64
fax: +41 (58) 462 78 64
e-mail: ipr@bj.admin.ch

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Suriname - Órgão nacional

The National Organ for the Hague Conference
Embassy of the Republic of Suriname
Alexander Gogelweg 2
tel.: +31 70 365 0844
fax: +31 70 361 7445

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Tailândia - Órgão nacional

1. International Affairs Division, Office of the Permanent Secretary for Justice,
Ministry of Justice, Chaengwattana Road, Laksi District,
Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel.: +66 2 141 4946
Fax: +66 2 143 8263
E- mail: hcch.thailand@moj.go.th

2. International Law Development Division, Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sri Ayudhya Road,
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel.: +66 2 203 5000 ext. 11066
Fax: +66 2 643 5041
E- mail: treaty04@mfa.mail.go.th

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Tunísia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
Boulevard Bab Bnet

Contact person:

  • Mr Mohamed ASKRI
    Procureur Général des affaires civiles
    Telephone: +216 71 57 23 40; +216 54 62 36 14
    Fax: +216 71 56 57 45
    Email: mohamed.askri@e-justice.tn

Languages spoken by staff: Arabic, French

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Türkiye - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice
General Directorate for International Law and Foreign Relations
Adalet Bakanlığı Ek Binası
Namık Kemal Mah. Milli Müdafaa Caddesi No:22
Çankaya / Ankara Turkey
Tel. +90 (312) 414 80 51
Fax: +90 (312) 219 45 23
E-mail: diabgm@adalet.gov.tr
Website: www.diabgm.adalet.gov.tr

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Ucrânia - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Gorodetskogo Street, 13
KYIV 01001

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

União Europeia

União Europeia - Órgão de contato

The Director General
Directorate General Justice and Consumers
JUST.A.1 Civil justice policy
European Commission
tel.: +32 (2) 299 8393
fax: +32 (2) 299 6457
e-mail: andreas.stein@ec.europa.eu

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Uruguai - Órgão nacional

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Dirección de Asuntos de Derecho Internacional
Colonia 1206 - 5º Piso
11100 Montevideo
Tel.: +598 2902 1010 ext. 72236
E-mail: derecho.internacional@mrree.gub.uy / marcos.dotta@mrree.gub.uy
c/o Dr. Marcos Dotta Salgueiro, Director

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Uzbequistão - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Treaty-Law Department
3, Amir Temur Street
100000 Tashkent
tel.: +99871 233 81 07
e-mail: dpu@mfa.uz

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Venezuela (República Bolivariana da)

Venezuela - Órgão nacional

National Organ for the Hague Conference
Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores
Oficina de Relaciones Consulares
(Ministry of People's Power of Foreign Affairs
Office of Consular Affairs)

Avenida Urdaneta
Esquina Carmelitas a Puente Llaguno
Piso 1 del Edificio Anexo a la Torre MRE
Caracas, 1010
República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Telephone: +58 (212) 8064449/802-8000 Ext. 6701-6713
E-mail: relaciones.consulares@mppre.gob.ve; cooperacion.consular@mppre.gob.ve
Website: www.mppre.gob.ve

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.


Vietname - Órgão nacional

Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
International Law Department
60 Tran Phu Street
Ba Dinh
Viet Nam
Tel: (+84) (24) 62739451
Email: haguevietnam@moj.gov.vn

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.
Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary.
The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Partes não Membros da Organização