Download Volume XIV of the Judges' Newsletter here.


I - Special Focus: The Hague Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance and its Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations

General Perspectives

María Kurucz - Perspective from the Chair of Commission I

William Duncan - General introduction to the Convention

Philippe Lortie - The development of medium and technology neutral international treaties in support of Post-Convention information technology systems - The 2007 Convention and Protocol

Andrea Bonomi - Presentation of the Protocol

Judge Jan Doogue - Perspective from the Chair of the Drafting Committee

Katja Lenzing - Implementation of the Convention in the EU and its relation to the future EU Regulation

Mary Helen Carlson - Plans for the implementation of the Convention in the USA

Boni Moraes Soares - The implementation of the Convention in Brazil

Tracy Morrow - Implementation issues which confront the child support systems operating in Canada

Ignacio Goicoechea - The role of the Latin American States in the negotiating process

Ann Barkley, Danièle Ménard - The Country Profile - A new information source

Paul Beaumont - Procedure on an application for recognition and enforcement in the Convention

Margot Bean, Elizabeth Matheson - Comments from the United States of America on Effective Access to Services

Alexander R. Markus, Sandra John - The treatment of maintenance arrangements under the Convention

Next steps regarding the new Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance

William Duncan and Philippe Lortie - Introduction to the 2009 meeting of the Special Commission

Sandrine Alexandre - Introduction to the future Implementation Guide and implementation issues

Jennifer Degeling and Alegría Borrás - The Explanatory Report as the Offi cial Aid to Interpretation of the Convention

II - Judicial Communications

Judge Evelyn Marlene Peralta - Judicial communications and speed in return proceedings

III - Case Comments and perspectives

Judge Jónas Jóhannsson - Recent developments from the Supreme Court of Iceland regarding the 1980 Convention on International Child Abduction

Judge Graciela Tagle, Julia Rossi (Argentina) - International Adoption and the Best Interest of the Child

IV - International Child Protection Conferences and Seminars

V - Hague Conference Update

VI - Personal Notes
