República Checa - Autoridade competente (Art. 6)

Designated Competent Authority(ies):

  1. Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic (International Civil Department) for documents issued by judicial authorities
  2. Notarial Chamber of the Czech Republic for documents issued or certified by notaries
  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs for other than judicial documents

Contact details:

Address: Ministry of Justice
Vyšehradská 16
128 10 PRAHA 2
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 221 997 925
Fax: +420 221 997 919
E-mail: [email protected]
General website:
Information about legalisation of documents at the Ministry of Justice:
Languages of communication: Czech, English
Contact person: Mgr. Martina Kadlecová
Mgr. Monika Čápová


Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Hradcanské námestí 5
110 00 PRAHA 1
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 224 182 188 (153)
Fax: -
E-mail: [email protected]
General website (see also "Practical Information"):
Languages of communication: Czech, English
Contact person: Ing. Pavel Pitel
JUDr. Michaela Nálepková


Address: Notarial Chamber of the Czech Republic
Apolinářská 442/12
128 00 PRAHA 2
Czech Republic
Telephone: +420 273 037 030
Fax: -
E-mail: [email protected]
General website (see also "Practical Information"):
Languages of communication: Czech, English
Contact person: JUDr. Berenika Wunschová
Mgr. Petr Klika


Practical Information:

Price: 300 CZK, approx. 12 EUR (for the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
363 CZK, approx. 14 EUR (for the Notarial Chamber)
Useful Links:

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