Ninth meeting of the Experts’ Group on Parentage / Surrogacy

From 5 to 9 July 2021, the Experts’ Group on Parentage / Surrogacy met for the ninth time. The meeting was held via videoconference and was attended by 33 Experts representing 22 Member States, one Regional Economic Integration Organisation and three Observers, as well as members of the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH.
The Experts’ Group discussed the scope of the possible draft Convention on legal parentage (draft Convention) and the scope of the possible draft Protocol on legal parentage established as a result of an (international) surrogacy arrangement (draft Protocol). The Group discussed in particular the desirability and feasibility of including domestic adoptions in the scope of the draft Convention; legal parentage established as a result of a domestic surrogacy arrangement in the draft Convention or draft Protocol; and domestic adoptions in the context of a (domestic / international) surrogacy arrangement in the draft Convention or draft Protocol.
The Experts’ Group will meet again in November 2021 and in 2022, before submitting its final report for the 2023 CGAP meeting.
The report of the ninth meeting is available here.