CGAP 2021: New Members, requests and signatures

On 3 March 2021, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH witnessed Thailand become the 88th Member of the HCCH, El Salvador apply for membership, and Israel sign two HCCH Conventions.
During the ceremony, Thailand deposited its instrument of acceptance of the Statute of the HCCH, thus becoming the 88th Member of the HCCH. Thailand was represented by H.E. Ms Eksiri Pintaruchi, Ambassador to the Netherlands. Thailand has been connected to the work of the HCCH since 2002 and is currently party to the 1980 Child Abduction and the 1993 Adoption Conventions.
On the same day, El Salvador applied to become a Member of the HCCH. Following a six-month voting period and provided a majority of votes have been cast in its favour, El Salvador will be invited to become a Member by accepting the Statute of the HCCH. El Salvador was represented by H.E. Ms Carmen María Gallardo Hernández, Ambassador to the Netherlands. It is currently a Contracting Party to the 1961 Apostille Convention, the 1980 Child Abduction Convention, and the 1993 Adoption Convention.
Finally, Israel signed the Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (2005 Choice of Court Convention) and the Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters (2019 Judgments Convention). The 2005 Choice of Court Convention, which currently binds 31 States and the EU, will enter into force for Israel only after it deposits an instrument of accession or ratification. Although the 2019 Judgments Convention is not yet in force, Israel is the third signatory to the Convention. Israel was represented by H.E. Mr Naor Gilon, Ambassador to the Netherlands. It has been a Member of the HCCH since 1964 and is a Contracting Party to seven other HCCH Conventions.