Milestones for the Apostille Convention: Republic of Korea becomes the 90th Contracting State and all EU-Member States soon to be party to the Convention
By depositing its instrument of accession, the Republic of Korea today became the 90th Contracting State of the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (Hague Apostille Convention). The Convention will enter into force for Korea on 14 July 2007. Korea’s accession sets a new benchmark for Hague Conventions in...
Launch of Peter Nygh Hague Conference Internship
On Friday, 15 September 2006, the Peter Nygh Hague Conference Internship was launched by the Australian Institute of International Affairs and the International Law Association (Australian Branch) in Sydney. This award enables an Australian student or graduate of law to fulfill a sponsored internship with the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Netherlands. Present at the...
African Judicial Seminar at The Hague
In response to the exponential growth of the geographical span and number of States and individuals affected by cross border child protection issues the Permanent Bureau has been carrying out exploratory work in Southern and Eastern Africa in the context of the Hague Project for International Co-operation and the Protection of Children in the Southern and Eastern African Region - the role of the...
Hague Conference receives Children's Champion Award
On 1 August 2006, William Duncan, Deputy Secretary General, and Philippe Lortie, First Secretary, received on behalf of the Hague Conference NCSEA's Children's Champion Award, on the occasion of NCSEA's 55th Annual Training Conference and Expo in Dallas, Texas, "in recognition of their outstanding contributions that promote and strengthen child support enforcement internationally"....
Switzerland and the United States sign Hague Securities Convention
United States and Switzerland first to signHague Treaty providing legal certainty to modern forms of holding and transferring of securities 1. The United States and Switzerland, which represent two of the world's foremost financial markets, today jointly signed the Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary. 2. The...
Secretary General visits Latin America
Co-operation with MERCOSUR Agreement with Inter-American Children’s Institute I On the invitation of the “Comisión Técnica” of the Ministers of Justice of MERCOSUR and its Associate Members, the Secretary General of the Hague Conference (HCCH) on 8 June 2006 participated in the meeting of the Comisión in Buenos Aires (Argentina is chairing MERCOSUR from 1 January...
Second Malta Judicial Conference on Cross-Frontier Family Law Issues
From 19 until 22 March 2006, the Second Malta Judicial Conference on Cross-Frontier Family Law Issues was held, hosted by the Government of Malta in collaboration with the Hague Conference on Private International Law (click here for the first Malta Conference, held in March 2004). Judges and experts from Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia,...
Latin American Judges’ Seminar: The Hague Children’s Conventions and Cross-Border Protection of Children within Latin America
On 28 November - 3 December, 2005, 18 Judges, from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela met in The Hague, The Netherlands, to discuss how to improve, among the countries represented, the operation of the three modern Hague Children’s Conventions...
Launch of iChild pilot, the Electronic Case Management System for the 1980 International Child Abduction Convention
INTRODUCTION OF MORE EFFICIENT SYSTEMS FOR DEALING WITH INTERNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTION Launch of iChild pilot, the Electronic Case Management System for the 1980 International Child Abduction Conventionby the Hague Conference and WorldReach The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and WorldReach Software Corporation officially launched the iChild pilot...
Service of Process under the Hague Service Convention - Seminar in Moscow
From 4-5 October 2005, a seminar on the Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters was held in Moscow. This Seminar was jointly organised by the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the Canadian and Finnish Governments. For more information, please click: Programme...