Artigos: 1,7,13,28
Under Article 28 of this Convention, the Republic of Albania submits the following reservations:
a) In compliance with the first paragraph of Article 28 of this Convention, in the absence of applying reciprocity with the state, whose citizen the seeker of juridical assistance is, the Republic of Albania reserves the right to exclude the execution of Article 1 of the Convention for the persons, who are not citizens of a Contracting State, but who are however usual residents in a state that is Party to the Convention, different from the state making the reservation, or who used to be usual residents in the state making this reservation.
b) In compliance with Articles 7 and 28, second paragraph, point "a" of this Convention, the Republic of Albania takes into consideration only the applications compiled in Albanian, or accompanied with a translation in the Albanian language.
c) The second paragraph of the Article 13 of the Convention does not apply to the citizens of those states, which have shown reservations, in compliance with item "b" of Article 28 of the Convention and to the persons having a usual residence in these states.
d) The provision in Chapter II of the Convention do not apply to the citizens of the states,which have submitted reservations, in compliance with item "c" of Article 28 of the Convention and to the persons having a usual residence in these states.