São Cristóvão e Nevis

Convenção sobre os Aspectos Civis do Rapto Internacional de Crianças

Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre São Cristóvão e Nevis and Data da aceitação Entrada em vigor
Alemanha 6-II-1995 1-V-1995
Argentina 27-IX-1996 1-XII-1996
Austrália 18-VIII-1995 1-XI-1995
Bahamas 29-X-2004 1-I-2005
Bélgica 23-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Canadá 29-V-1995 1-VIII-1995
Chile 27-II-1996 1-V-1996
Croácia 24-XI-2004 1-II-2005
Eslováquia 7-XI-2000 1-II-2001
Espanha 26-III-1997 1-VI-1997
Estados Unidos da América 13-III-1995 1-VI-1995
Finlândia 27-II-1997 1-V-1997
França 1-IV-2010 1-VII-2010
Grécia 4-VIII-2004 1-XI-2004
Honduras 16-XI-2006 1-II-2007
Hungria 11-III-2002 1-VI-2002
Irlanda 12-IX-1994 1-XII-1994
Israel 24-X-1995 1-I-1996
Itália 31-I-1997 1-IV-1997
Japão 24-I-2014 1-IV-2014
Luxemburgo 12-VIII-1994 1-XI-1994
México 5-IX-1995 1-XII-1995
Mónaco 31-III-2008 1-VI-2008
Noruega 24-XII-1997 1-III-1998
Nova Zelândia 2-XII-1997 1-III-1998
Países Baixos 20-VII-1994 1-X-1994
Panamá 16-III-1995 1-VI-1995
Peru 1-IX-2015
Polónia 12-XII-1997 1-III-1998
Portugal 12-X-2001 1-I-2002
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte 27-VII-1994 1-VIII-1994
República Checa 18-V-1998 1-VIII-1998
Sérvia 19-VIII-2003 1-XI-2003
Suécia 24-X-1994 1-I-1995
Suíça 10-II-1997 1-V-1997
Türkiye 7-XII-2009 1-III-2010
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) 16-VI-1997 1-IX-1997


With the following declaration:
Der von St. Kitts und Nevis beim Beitritt erklärte Vorbehalt gemäss Artikel 26 Abs. 3 des Übereinkommens wird von den zuständigen deutschen Justizbehörden im Zusammenhang damit gesehen, dass in St. Kitts und Nevis kein System der Prozesskosten- und Beratungshilfe besteht. Sollte ein derartiges System allerdings eingeführt werden, dürfte der Vorbehalt in der jetzigen Form dann unzulässig sein. Vor diesem Hintergrund könnte eine Lösung darin bestehen, wenn St. Kitts und Nevis seinen Vorbehalt gemäss Artikel 26 Abs. 3 entsprechend ergänzt.
The reservation under Article 26, paragraph 3, of the Convention made by Saint Kitts and Nevis on its accession is believed by the competent German judicial authorities to be connected with the fact that Saint Kitts and Nevis does not have a system of legal aid. Introduction of such a system would, however, render the reservation in its present form inadmissible. A possible solution would be for Saint Kitts and Nevis to supplement its reservation under Article 26, paragraph 3, accordingly.

Países Baixos

(for the Kingdom in Europe)

Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte

With the following declaration:
Notwithstanding the provisions of the said Article 38 regarding entry into force of the Convention as between the acceding State and the State declaring its acceptance of the accession, amendments will have been made to the United Kingdom municipal law in order to give effect to the Convention between it and Saint Christopher and Nevis as of 1 August 1994 when the Convention enters into force for Saint Christopher and Nevis.
I would be grateful for confirmation of the date of 1 August 1994 as the date on which the Convention will enter into force between the United Kingdom and Saint Christopher and Nevis.

The Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis (formerly Saint Christopher and Nevis) has confirmed the date of 1 August 1994 as the date on which the Convention entered into force between Saint Kitts and Nevis and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.