10: Convenção Relativa à Competência das Autoridades e à Lei Aplicável em Matéria de Protecção de Menores
Entrada em vigor: 4-II-1969
Membros da Organização
Alemanha - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
1. Authorities which have taken measures by virtue of the provisions of the Convention and which shall inform the authorities of the State of the infant's nationality of them and, where appropriate, those of the State of his habitual residence:
a) the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change of State.
2. The following authorities in the territory of Germany to which the Convention applies are competent to receive information of measures taken by virtue of the provisions of the Convention in other Contracting States:
a) the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change;
c) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in the district in which the infant has his habitual residence;
d) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, and the infant does not have his habitual residence in that territory, the "Landesjugendamt" (central child care department) of Berlin.
The information may be given and received directly.
Modification 23 November 2010:
1. Authorities which have taken measures by virtue of the provisions of the Convention and which shall inform the authorities of the State of the infant's nationality of them and, where appropriate, those of the State of his habitual residence:
a) the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change of State.
2. The following authorities in the territory of Germany to which the Convention applies are competent to receive information of measures taken by virtue of the provisions of the Convention in other Contracting States:
a) the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change;
c) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in the district in which the infant has his habitual residence;
d) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, and the infant does not have his habitual residence in that territory, the "Landesjugendamt" (central child care department) of Berlin.
The information may be given and received directly.
(This page was last updated on 13 December 2010)
Áustria - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
"Die Gerichte und Bezirksverwaltungsbehörden (Jugendämter), bei denen ein Verfahren nach dem Übereinkommen anhängig ist. Ist ein Verfahren im Inland nicht anhängig oder ist ein solches der ausländischen Behörde nicht bekannt, so wird für den Empfang einer aus dem Ausland eingehenden Mitteilung das Bundesministerium für Justiz namhaft gemacht."
"Bezirksverwaltungsbehörden (Jugendämter)" (Courts and local authorities (child care departments)) in which proceedings under the Convention are pending. If no proceedings are pending in the territory of Austria or if the foreign authority is unaware of such proceedings, the Federal Ministry of Justice is designated as able to receive information coming from abroad.
Espanha - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
Subdirección General de Cooperación Jurídica Internacional
Ministerio de Justicia
Calle San Bernardo nº 62
28071 Madrid
Tel.: +34 (91) 3902228 / 2295 / 4437
Fax: +34 (91) 3904457
França - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
1) Les autorités suivantes sont compétentes pour prendre des mesures en vertu de la Convention et les communiquer directement aux autorités de l'Etat dont le mineur est ressortissant ou, le cas échéant, à celles de l'Etat de la résidence habituelle du mineur:
a) en ce qui concerne les mesures tendant à la protection de la personne d'un mineur: le juge des enfants dans le ressort duquel se trouve le domicile ou la résidence habituelle des père, mère, tuteur ou gardien du mineur et, à défaut, la résidence habituelle de celui-ci;
b) en ce qui concerne les mesures tendant à la protection des biens du mineur: le juge des tutelles du tribunal d'instance dans le ressort duquel le mineur a son domicile;
c) de façon générale, toute juridiction devant laquelle une instance concernant les mesures prévues par la Convention est en cours;
d) en cas d'urgence, le Procureur de la République près le Tribunal de grande instance dans le ressort où le mineur, ses père, mère, tuteur ou gardien ont leur domicile ou leur résidence habituelle, ainsi que le Procureur de la République du lieu où le mineur a été trouvé.2) Les autorités suivantes sont compétentes pour recevoir directement les informations concernant les mesures prises en vertu de la Convention dans un autre Etat contractant:
a) les juridictions et autorités visées à l'alinéa 1 précédent ainsi que pour ce qui concerne les décisions relatives au droit de garde des enfants et au droit de visite, Ministère de la Justice, Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau, Bureau de l'entraide civile et commerciale internationale (D3), 13 Place Vendôme, 75042 Paris Cedex 01, téléphone : + 33 (1) 44 77 64 52 - fax : + 33 (1) 44 77 61 22, messagerie : [email protected]; (cet alinéa a été modifié le 15 novembre 2005)
b) à défaut de domicile ou de résidence habituelle en France et lorsque aucune instance n'est en cours devant une juridiction ou une autorité ci-dessus visée:
pour les mesures tendant à la protection de la personne d'un mineur: le Ministère de la Justice, Direction de l'Education Surveillée, 13, Place Vendôme, 75001 PARIS;
pour les mesures tendant à la protection des biens d'un mineur: le juge des tutelles du tribunal d'instance dans le ressort duquel le mineur a des biens;
pour les mesures relatives à l'autorité parentale à la garde des enfants et au droit de visite: le Ministère de la Justice, Service des Affaires Européennes et Internationales, 13, Place Vendôme, 75001 PARIS."
Modification of 12 February 2007:
The following authorities are competent to receive information directly on orders made in another Contracting State in the absence of an address or place of habitual residence in France, when no proceedings are under way before a court:
- for orders aimed at protecting the person of a minor:
le Ministère de la Justice
Direction de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse
13 place Vendôme
75042 Paris Cedex 01;
- for orders aimed at protecting the property of a minor:
the judge responsible for appointing guardians at the court of first instance of the jurisdiction in which the minor's property is located;
- for orders relating to parental authority, the custody of children and rights of access:
le Ministère de la Justice
Direction des Affaires Civiles et du Sceau
Bureau de l'entraide civile et commerciale internationale
13 place Vendôme
75042 Paris Cedex 01
(This page was last updated on 14 March 2007)
Itália - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
Ministero della Giustizia
Dipartimento per la Giustizia Minorile e di Comunità
Autorità Centrali
Via Damiano CHIESA n. 24
00136 ROMA
Tel.: +39 0668188331 / + 39 0668188535
Fax: +39 0668808085 ou/or +39 0668807087
Email: [email protected]
Internet: www.giustizia.it
Chef du Département pour la Justice des Mineurs / Head of Juvenile Justice Department :
M./Mr Francesco CASCINI (Magistrat/Judge)
téléphone/telephone : +39 0668188 336 ou/or +39 0668188 337
télécopie/fax: +39 0668807087 ou/or +39 0668808085
email: [email protected]Chef de l'Aurorité Centrale / Head of Central Authority :
Mme/Mrs Ludovica JOVENE (Directrice faisant fonction/Acting Head of the Central Authority)
téléphone/telephone: +39 0668188.331
télécopie/fax: +39 0668808085 ou/or +39 0668807087
e-mail/ e-mail: [email protected]
(This page was last updated on 17 November 2016)
Letónia - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
Ministry of Justice
Brivibas Blvd. 36
Riga, LV-1536
Telephone: +371 67036801
Fax: +371 67210823
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.tm.gov.lv
(This page was last updated on 10 January 2017)
Lituânia - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
State Child Rights Protection and Adoption Service
under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
Sodu Street 15
tel.: +370 (5) 231 0928
fax: +370 (5) 231 0927
e-mail: [email protected]
(This page was last updated on 19 September 2006)
Luxemburgo - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
Juge des enfantsTribunal d'arrondissement Luxembourg
Cité judiciaire
Bâtiments TL, CO, TJ
L-2080 Luxembourg
Países Baixos
Países Baixos - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
For the European part of the Netherlands: the Minister of Security and Justice of the Netherlands
For Sint Maarten: the Minister of Justice of Sint Maarten
For Curaçao: the Minister of Justice of Curaçao
the Caribbean part of the Netherlands (the islands of Bonaire, Sint
Eustatius and Saba): the Minister of Security and Justice of the
(This page was last updated on 8 January 2013)
Polónia - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of PolandPortugal
Portugal - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
Direção-Geral de Reinserção e Serviços Prisionais
Autoridade Central Portuguesa
Travessa da Cruz do Torel, n.º 1
1133-001 Lisboa
Tel: (+351) 218812200
Fax: (+351) 218853653
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: https://dgrsp.justica.gov.pt/
Personnes à contacter / persons to contact:
- Mr Rómulo Mateus
Director General - Mrs Maria da Ascencão Areias dos Santos Isabel
Head of Unit
(langues de communication / languages of communication: portugais, français / Portuguese, French) - Mrs Carolina Morais
(langues de communication / languages of communication: portugais, anglais, français / Portuguese, English, French) - Mr Ricardo Libório
(langues de communication / languages of communication: portugais, anglais, / Portuguese, English)
- Mrs Rosário Amaral
(langues de communication / languages of communication: portugais, anglais, français / Portuguese, English, French)
(This page was last updated on 20 February 2019)
Suíça - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
L'Office fédéral de la JusticeDépartement fédéral de Justice et Police
3003 Berne
Türkiye - autoridade competente (Art. 11)
Director for International Law and Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Justice