Explanatory Reports
The Explanatory Reports on each of the HCCH instruments are aimed at providing information to the public as to the sense intended by the Diplomatic representatives for a particular instrument.
All the Explanatory Reports are included in the Proceedings of the Session that was dedicated to the newly adopted instrument. An offprint (paperback edition) of the Explanatory Report for each adopted instrument is also available from the Permanent Bureau, except, however, for the Explanatory Report on the 2005 Choice of Court Convention, which is distributed by Intersentia. This Report can be ordered at the following address <www.intersentia.com> or through the usual bookshops.
N.B.: The Actes et documents (Proceedings) of the First (1893) to the Tenth (1964) Sessions are only published in French. From the Extraordinary Session (1966) onwards, the replies of the Governments to the questionnaires, as well as the comments of the Governments on the preliminary draft Conventions, are reproduced in their original versions in either French or English; this applies likewise to the Procès-verbaux, the working documents and the Explanatory Reports. From the Twelfth Session (1972) onwards, the preliminary documents and the Explanatory Reports are in bilingual versions.
- Explanatory Report on the 2019 HCCH Judgments Convention; F. Garcimartín & G. Saumier; 2020
- Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts; 2015
- Convenio sobre el Cobro Internacional de Alimentos para los Niños y otros Miembros de la Familia - Informe explicativo; Alegría Borrás y Jennifer Degeling, con la asistencia de William Duncan y Philippe Lortie; 2013
- Explanatory Report on the 2007 HCCH Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations Protocol; Andrea Bonomi ; 2013
- Memoria explicativa sobre el Convenio HCCH sobre la ley aplicable a ciertos derechos sobre valores custodiados por un intermediario; Roy Goode, Hideki Kanda, Karl Kreuzer with the assistance of Christophe Bernasconi; 2017
- Explanatory Report on the 2005 HCCH Choice of Court Agreements Convention; Trevor Hartley and Masato Dogauchi; 2013
- Explanatory Report on the 2000 HCCH Protection of Adults Convention; Paul Lagarde; 2017
- Informe Explicativo del Convenio HCCH sobre Protección de Niños de 1996; P. Lagarde; 1998
- Informe explicativo del Convenio HCCH relativo a la Protección del Niño y a la Cooperación en materia de Adopción Internacional; G. Parra-Aranguren; 1994
- Explanatory Report on the 1989 HCCH Succession Convention; D.W.M. Waters; 1990
- Explanatory Report on the 1986 HCCH Sales Convention; Arthur T. von Mehren; 1987
- Explanatory Report on the 1985 HCCH Trusts Convention; Alfred E. von Overbeck; 1985
- Informe explicativo del Convenio HCCH sobre los Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores; Elisa Pérez-Vera; 1982
- Explanatory Report on the Recommendation adopted by the Fourteenth Session ; Gustaf Möller; 1982
- Explanatory Report on the 1980 HCCH Access to Justice Convention; Gustaf Möller; 1983
- Report on the preliminary draft Convention on the law applicable to certain consumer sales; Arthur T. von Mehren; 1982
- Explanatory Report on the 1978 HCCH Matrimonial Property Regimes Convention; Alfred E. von Overbeck; 1978
- Explanatory Report on the 1978 HCCH Agency Convention; I.G.F. Karsten; 1978
- Explanatory Report on the 1978 HCCH Marriage Convention; Å. Malmström; 1978
- Explanatory Report on the 1973 HCCH Maintenance Conventions; Michel Verwilghen; 1975
- Explanatory Report on the 1973 HCCH Administration of Estates Convention; P. Lalive; 1974
- Explanatory Report on the 1973 HCCH Products Liability Convention; W.L.M. Reese; 1974
- Explanatory Report on the 1970 HCCH Divorce Convention; P. Bellet & B. Goldman; 1970
- Explanatory Report on the 1970 HCCH Evidence Convention; Philip W. Amram; 1970
- Explanatory Report on the 1971 HCCH Traffic Accidents Convention; E. Essén; 1970
- Explanatory Report on the 1971 HCCH Judgments Convention; Ch.N. Fragistas & G. Droz; 1969
- Explanatory Report on the 1965 HCCH Service Convention; V. Taborda Ferreira; 1965
- Explanatory Report on the 1965 HCCH Choice of Court Convention; L. Welamson; 1965
- Explanatory Report on the 1965 HCCH Adoption Convention; R. Maul; 1965
- Explanatory Report on the 1961 HCCH Apostille Convention; Yvon Loussouarn; 1961
- Explanatory Report on the 1961 HCCH Protection of Minors Convention; W. de Steiger; 1961
- Explanatory Report on the 1961 HCCH Form of Wills Convention; Henri Batiffol; 1961