Articles: 15,19
Article 9(a) *
The Government of Bolivia wishes to point out that, by virtue of the provisions of article 72 of the Código Niño, Niña y Adolescente (Code on Children and Adolescents), it is not possible, for reasons of confidentiality, to exchange information about the situation of the child prior to adoption.
Article 15(1)
Regarding the information to be included in the report prepared by the Central Authority of the receiving State concerning the characteristics of the children for whom the applicants would be qualified to care, this refers to the number of children for whom they would be qualified to care.
Article 16(a) and (b) *
The Government of Bolivia wishes to point out that, in accordance with Bolivian regulations, the Poder Ejecutivo Departamental (Departmental Executive), via the Servicios de Gestión social (Social Services), shall be responsible for preparing medical, psychological and social reports; likewise, in accordance with the provisions of article 298 of the new Code, the interdisciplinary youth team shall be responsible for issuing or approving the technical report, provided the application has been accepted.
Article 19
It should be pointed out that the transfer of the child should take place in the company of the adoptive parents and in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Code and the provisions of Article 17 of the Convention.
* By note dated 29 November 2001, the Embassy of Bolivia at The Hague informed the Permanent Bureau that the Government of Bolivia has decided to retract its declaration and reservation referring to Articles 9a and 16.
On 22 November 2002, the following declaration was made:
(...) that countries whose nationals wish to adopt children resident in Bolivia, under the provisions of the Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption, should state through diplomatic channels that they are a party to the said Convention and supply details of their Central Authority. This information will be forwarded to the Vice-Ministry for Children and Youth Affairs, part of the Ministry for Rural, Indigenous, Gender and Family Affairs, which is Bolivia's Central Authority in the matter of intercountry adoptions.
The adoption agencies should then contact the Vice-Ministry in order to conclude a framework agreement.