The following Contracting States raised an objection to the accession of the Republic of Armenia:
the Netherlands (29-VIII-2007):*
"(...) the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Kingdom in Europe) raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Convention on (...) Intercountry Adoption, as long as no Central Authority has been designated by the Republic of Armenia."* On 28 December 2010, the Netherlands withdrew its objection to the accession of Armenia. The Convention has entered into force between Armenia and the Netherlands on 28 December 2010.
Germany (28-I-2008):**
"The Federal Republic of Germany raises an objection to the accession of the Republic of Armenia under Article 44(3) of the Hague Convention (...) of 29 May 1993. However, Germany reserves the right to withdraw the objection."** On 29 January 2009, Germany withdrew its objection to the accession of Armenia. The Convention has entered into force between Armenia and Germany on 29 January 2009.