Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
Accession accepted by / Entry into force between India and | Date of acceptance | Entry into force |
Argentina | 23-V-2007 | 22-VII-2007 |
Australia | 12-VIII-2008 | 11-X-2008 |
Belarus | 6-VI-2014 | 5-VIII-2014 |
Brazil | 3-VIII-2019 | |
Bulgaria | 27-X-2008 | 26-XII-2008 |
China | 16-XI-2016 | 15-I-2017 |
Cyprus | 24-VII-2010 | 22-IX-2010 |
Czech Republic | 11-X-2007 | 10-XII-2007 |
Denmark | 20-V-2009 | 19-VII-2009 |
Estonia | 24-I-2011 | 25-III-2011 |
Finland | 24-V-2007 | 23-VII-2007 |
France | 1-IV-2010 | 31-V-2010 |
Germany | 21-VIII-2007 | 20-X-2007 |
Greece | 10-I-2023 | 11-III-2023 |
Hungary | 19-I-2011 | 20-III-2011 |
Israel | 13-VII-2018 | 11-IX-2018 |
Italy | 10-III-2022 | 9-V-2022 |
Latvia | 3-VII-2007 | 1-IX-2007 |
Lithuania | 28-II-2019 | 29-IV-2019 |
Mexico | 6-VIII-2013 | 5-X-2013 |
Monaco | 5-I-2009 | 6-III-2009 |
Netherlands | 30-IX-2008 | 29-XI-2008 |
Norway | 20-II-2009 | 21-IV-2009 |
Poland | 8-IX-2008 | 7-XI-2008 |
Romania | 24-XI-2017 | 23-I-2018 |
Singapore | 4-VI-2021 | 3-VIII-2021 |
Slovakia | 19-VI-2008 | 18-VIII-2008 |
Slovenia | 26-X-2017 | 25-XII-2017 |
Spain | 31-I-2008 | 31-III-2008 |
Sweden | 21-I-2009 | 22-III-2009 |
Switzerland | 24-IX-2009 | 23-XI-2009 |
Türkiye | 15-I-2010 | 16-III-2010 |
Ukraine | 24-III-2011 | 23-V-2011 |
United States of America | 18-VII-2007 | 16-IX-2007 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 2-XI-2023 | 1-I-2024 |
(India accepted the accession of Brazil on 4 June 2019)
(acceptance on behalf of the SAR of Hong Kong and Macao)