Kanada - Zuständige Behörde (Art. 6)

Designated Competent Authorities:

  1. the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development;
  2. the Ministry of the Attorney General of British Columbia;
  3. the Ministry of Justice of Alberta;
  4. the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan;
  5. the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery of Ontario;
  6. the Minister of Justice of Quebec.


Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development

Contact details:


Mailing and drop-off address (no in-person service available):

Global Affairs Canada
Authentication Services Section (JLAC)
2421 Lancaster Road
Ottawa ON  K1B 4L5

For instructions on how to submit an authentication request, visit the department’s website.

Diplomatic and consular missions:
Some Canadian missions abroad (e.g. embassies, consulates, high commissions) may also offer apostilles service to those located within their consular jurisdiction. Information on the availability of apostilles services in a Canadian office abroad can be obtained directly from the relevant mission.

Telephone:  1-833-928-1551 (Voicemail available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET (except statutory holidays)
E-mail: docs@international.gc.ca
Languages spoken by staff: English and French  
General website: www.canada.ca/authentication-documents

Practical Information:


Authentication Services Section at the headquarters in Ottawa: $0

Canadian missions abroad: $50/document

E-Register: https://apostille.canada.ca/en/eregister-eregistre
Useful Links: Changes to authentication services in Canada
Authentication of documents: Frequently asked questions
Ministry of Attorney General of British Columbia

Contact details:

Address: BC Authentication Program Legal Services Branch
Ministry of Attorney General
1001 Douglas Street
(PO Box 9280 Stn Prov Govt)
Victoria BC V8W 2C5
Telephone: n/a
Fax: n/a
E-mail: bcauthentication@gov.bc.ca
Languages spoken by staff: English
General website: About Authentication - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)

Practical Information:

Price:  $20
E-Register: https://apostille.canada.ca/en/eregister-eregistre
Useful Links: Document Authentication Fee - Province of British Columbia (gov.bc.ca)
Ministry of Justice of Alberta

Contact details:

Address: Deputy Provincial Secretary’s Office
Room 111, 9833 – 109 Street
Edmonton, AB T5T 2W1
Telephone: 780-427-5069 
Fax: n/a
E-mail: Official.documents@gov.ab.ca
Languages spoken by staff: English
General website: https://www.alberta.ca/document-authentication-other-jurisdictions-countries

Practical Information:

Price: $10
E-Register: https://apostille.canada.ca/en/eregister-eregistre
Useful Links: Payment link: https://eservices.alberta.ca/certificates-of-authentication.html
Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of Saskatchewan 

Contact details:

Address: Service offered in-person and by mail:
Ministry of Justice and Attorney General
Authentication Services
1010- 1855 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3T2
Telephone: (306) 787- 5972
Fax: n/a
E-mail: authserv@gov.sk.ca
Languages spoken by staff: English
General website: Authenticating Notarized Documents | Legislation, Maps and Authenticating Notarized Documents | Government of Saskatchewan

Practical Information:

Price: $50
E-Register: https://apostille.canada.ca/en/eregister-eregistre
Useful Links: Authenticating Notarized Documents | Legislation, Maps and Authenticating Notarized Documents | Government of Saskatchewan
Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery of Ontario 

Contact details:


Service offered in-person and by mail:

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery
Official Documents Services
222 Jarvis Street
Toronto ON M7A 0B6

Service offered in-person only:

ServiceOntario - Ottawa City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West,
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1
(Ottawa City Hall)

ServiceOntario - Sault St. Marie
101-420 Queen Street East,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 1Z7

ServiceOntario - Windsor City Hall
205-400 City Hall Square East,
Windsor, Ontario N9A 7K6
(Windsor City Hall)

ServiceOntario - Thunder Bay
113-435 James Street South,
Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 6T1

Telephone: 416-325-8416
Fax: 416-325-8434
E-mail: Official.documents@ontario.ca
Languages spoken by staff: English, French
General website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/authenticate-document-use-outside-canada

Practical Information:

Price: Notarized document: $16
Ontario government official document fee: $32
E-Register: www.officialdocuments.mgcs.gov.on.ca/en-US/validity-check/
Useful Links: Authenticate a document for use outside Canada | ontario.ca
Minister of Justice of Quebec 

Contact details:

Address: Délivrance des apostilles
Ministère de la Justice
1, rue Notre-Dame Est, bureau 7.07
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1B6
Telephone: 418-643-5140
866-536-5140 (sans frais au Canada)
E-mail: services.apostille@justice.gouv.qc.ca
Languages spoken by staff: French
General website: Applying for an apostille | Gouvernement du Québec (quebec.ca)

Practical Information:

Price: $65
E-Register: https://registreapostilles.gouv.qc.ca/
Useful Links:  

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