First Meeting of the Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the 2007 Child Support Convention and 2007 Maintenance Obligations Protocol

From 17 to 19 May 2022, the First Meeting of the Special Commission on the 2007 Child Support Convention and 2007 Maintenance Obligations Protocol was held in The Hague. The meeting was attended by over 200 delegates, both in person and remotely, representing HCCH Members, non‑Member States, and Observers from intergovernmental and international non‑governmental organisations, as well as members...

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CGAP 2022: New Members, ratifications and signatures

On 2 March 2022, the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) of the HCCH welcomed El Salvador as the newest Member of the Organisation. It also witnessed Ecuador and the United States of America sign and/or ratify a number of HCCH Conventions and instruments. H.E. Ms Carmen María Gallardo Hernández, Ambassador of the Republic of El Salvador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands,...

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The Philippines signs the Child Support Convention

Today, 18 February 2022, the Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to the Netherlands, H.E. Mr J. Eduardo Malaya, signed, on behalf of his Government, the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (Child Support Convention). The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands,...

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Meeting of the International Transfer of Maintenance Funds Experts’ Group

The International Transfer of Maintenance Funds Experts’ Group (ITMFEG) met from 7 to 9 February 2022 via videoconference. The meeting was attended by 33 experts representing 14 Member States, one Member Regional Economic Integration Organisation and one Observer, as well as by members of the Permanent Bureau (PB) of the HCCH. Pursuant to the mandate issued by the Council on General Affairs...

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Child Support Convention enters into force for New Zealand

Today, 1 November 2021, the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (Child Support Convention) entered into force for New Zealand following the deposit of its instrument of ratification on 23 July 2021. At present, 42 states and the European Union are bound by the Child Support Convention. More information on this...

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iSupport - New successful EU Action Grant application

The Permanent Bureau of the HCCH is pleased to announce a new successful EU Action Grant application for iSupport. This new project will be called iSupport ITMF (International Transfer of Maintenance Funds), as it will aim at establishing a link between the iSupport software and bank accounts held by Central Authorities. The project will rely on guidance provided by the Experts’ Group on...

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New Zealand ratifies Child Support Convention

The Permanent Bureau has been informed that on 23 July 2021, New Zealand deposited its instrument of ratification of the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (Child Support Convention). With the ratification of New Zealand, 42 states and the European Union are bound by the Child Support Convention. It will enter into...

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Meeting of the Administrative Cooperation Working Group

The Administrative Cooperation Working Group (ACWG) on the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (2007 Child Support Convention) met on 10 and 11 May 2021 via videoconference. The meeting was attended by over 60 participants representing 20 Members, two Observers and members of the Permanent Bureau. As recommended by...

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Child Support Convention enters into force for Serbia

Today, 1 February 2021, the HCCH Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (Child Support Convention) entered into force for the Republic of Serbia, following the deposit of its instrument of ratification on 23 October 2020. At present, 41 States and the European Union are bound by the Child Support Convention. More...

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