Bulgária - Autoridades Competentes (Art. 6)

Designated Competent Authority(ies):
(click here to view previous designations of Competent Authorities and/or changes to such designations)

  1. The Ministry of Justice - for acts of the courts and notaries;
  2. The National Center for Information and Documentation - for educational and certification documents, issued by the higher schools, by the institutions in the system of pre-school, school and vocational education and training and by the Ministry of Education and Science and its units;
  3. The regional administrations - for documents issued by the mayors and the municipal administrations;
  4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs - for all other acts.

Contact details:

I. Ministry of Justice:

Address: Ministry of Justice
ul. "Slavyanska" No 1
1040 SOFIA
Contact persons: Diana Dimitrova
Nedyalka Terziyska
(languages of communication: Bulgarian, English)
Telephone: +359 2 9237 354
Fax: +359 2 92 37 354
E-mail: [email protected]
General secure website: http://apostil.mjs.bg/

Practical Information:

Price: paper Apostille – 5 BGN  
E-Register: https://apostil.mjs.bg/ApostilleEN.aspx

Additional information:

No electronic apostilles are issued. The apostilles are placed on the documents, then scanned and transferred to the electronic register, where they can be checked.

II. National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID)

Address: National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID)
52 A, Dr. G. M. Dimitrov Blvd.
1125 Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact persons: 1. Verginia Tsankova
2. Velichka Lozanova
Telephone: +359 2 971 38 25 
+359 2 971 38 55
Fax: +359 2 971 31 20
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
General secure website: http://apostille.mon.bg

Practical Information:

Price: paper Apostille – 15 BGN
e-Apostille – 7.50 BGN
E-Register – Category 3 (Advanced):


E-Register operates to record the issuance of both paper Apostilles and e-Apostilles.

The e-Register provides information on the Apostille and the underlying public document (allows a visual check), it also allows for the digital verification of the Apostille and the underlying public document (i.e., the digital signature of the Apostille and the integrity of the underlying public document).

Additional information:

1. The National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID) has fully implemented both e-APP components (e-Apostilles and e-Register). The issuance of e-Apostilles (with a Quick Response (QR) code) and the e-Register (Category 3 Advanced) started on 15.06.2020.

2. The website has been made to avoid fishing expeditions, against spam – reCAPTCHA and with a valid DigiSert High Assurance EV Root CA to protect the online integrity of e-Register.

3. Requests for Apostille services can be made to the National Centre for Information and Documentation online. Apostille certificate in electronic form, with an electronic signature, can be issued to the applicant online through the secure site: https://apostille.bg

4. The verification of electronically signed document includes two actions:

  • Verification of the validity of e-signature by which the document has been signed.
  • Verification if the document has not been already modified after it has been signed (i.e., integrity). 

The verification can be made on the Internet site of the State e-Government Agency in section „Validation of е-Document“: https://evalidation.egov.bg/Validation/DigitalSignature

5. The verification of the time certificate is made for e-document which has been signed by e-signature with time stamp generated at it. The validity of the time stamp: 

  • Certifies the time of signing the e-document and 
  • Guarantees that the document has been drawn before the action of time signing.  

The verification can be made on the Internet site of the State e-Government Agency in section „Validation of Time Certificate“:


6.  All information needed (inc. FAQ) is available on the secure website in bulgarian and in english: https://apostille.bg

III. The regional administrations:

General secure website: http://iisda.government.bg/adm_services/services/service/5290

For the provision of the service all district administrations use the integrated system IISDA (see above), which contains a module for verification of the issued Apostilles- https://apostille.gov.bg

Practical Information:

Price: 5 BGN
E-Register: https://apostille.gov.bg

Additional information:

1. No electronic apostilles are issued.

IV. Ministry of foreign affairs:

Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Zhendov Street № 2, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Contact persons: Ms. Vessela Stanoeva (languages: Bulgarian and Russian)
Telephone: +359 (2) 948 3152
Fax: +359 (2) 948 3152
E-mail: [email protected]
General secure website: http://apostille.mfa.bg

Practical Information:

Price: Express (for the day) - BGN 30.
Fast (for the next working day) - BGN 22.50.
Ordinary (within 3 /three/ working days) - BGN 15.
E-Register: http://apostille.mfa.bg

Additional information:

1. No electronic apostilles are issued. The apostilles are placed on the documents, then scanned and transferred to the electronic register, where they can be checked;

2. Individuals can request the services at the counter in person or by a courier representative of a translation company at the "Certification and Legalization" sector (address: 2 Alfred Nobel Str., Geo Milev), by filling out an application and attaching the documents which it is necessary to be certified by Apostille.

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