Meeting of the International Transfer of Maintenance Funds Experts’ Group

The International Transfer of Maintenance Funds Experts’ Group (ITMFEG) met from 7 to 9 February 2022 via videoconference. The meeting was attended by 33 experts representing 14 Member States, one Member Regional Economic Integration Organisation and one Observer, as well as by members of the Permanent Bureau (PB) of the HCCH.
Pursuant to the mandate issued by the Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP), the ITMFEG continued its work discussing good practices and identifying possible future improvements in relation to the cross-border transfer of child support payments, with a view to facilitating the most cost-effective, transparent, prompt, efficient and accessible cross-border transfer of funds.
During the meeting, the ITMFEG completed the development of its Conclusions and Recommendations (C&Rs), to be submitted for endorsement at the first meeting of the Special Commission on the practical operation of the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance (2007 Child Support Convention), to be held in 2022. The ITMFEG also discussed the results of the questionnaire on current arrangements regarding international transfers of maintenance funds, recently circulated among HCCH Members and Contracting Parties to the 2007 Child Support Convention.
The document containing the Report and C&Rs of the meeting is available here. More information on the 2007 Child Support Convention, its Protocol, and iSupport is available on the Child Support Section of the HCCH website.