Now available in all EU languages: Practical Handbook on 2007 Child Support Convention, Protocol, and 2009 EU Regulation

The Permanent Bureau is pleased to announce the publication of translations, in all European Union (EU) languages, of the Practical Handbook for Competent Authorities on the 2007 Child Support Convention, the 2007 Maintenance Obligations Protocol, and the 2009 EU Maintenance Regulation.
The Handbook, originally published in English, French, and Romanian, was jointly developed by the HCCH, the Ministry of Justice of Romania, and the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM). The translation of the Handbook into the other official languages of the European Union was made possible through the support of the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commission. The Permanent Bureau wishes to extend its gratitude to the Directorate-General for this generous voluntary contribution.
The 2014 publication of the Handbook was part of the project Enhancing judicial international cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations, co-funded by the European Union. This project also saw the development of an informational brochure to raise awareness of the issues related to international recovery of child support, which was also translated into English, French, and Romanian.
The Practical Handbook is intended to assist judicial, administrative, and other competent authorities in the practical management of cases for the international recovery of maintenance under the HCCH 2007 Convention and Protocol, as well as the 2009 EU Regulation. The Handbook does not seek to provide an exhaustive legal analysis of these instruments, but practical guidance on the operation of the Convention, Protocol, and Regulation, as well as the procedures under each instrument.
All language versions of the Practical Handbook are available for download on the Publications page of the HCCH website.