Contracting Parties and Signatories to this Convention that are also Members of the HCCH (i.e., the Organisation) are in bold; Contracting Parties and Signatories that are not Members of the HCCH are in italics.

Contracting Party F 1 R/A/S2 Tipo3 EEV4 EXT5 Aut6 Res/D/N/CD7
Austrália 9-VII-1980 29-XII-1987 R 1-V-1991 D 27
Egito 14-III-1978 D
Finlândia 24-IX-1980
Luxemburgo 14-III-1978 13-II-1991 R 1-V-1991
Países Baixos 11-IX-1987 12-X-1989 R 1-V-1991 D,Res 10,15
Portugal 26-V-1978



Austrália Artigos Declarações

".... as permitted under Article 27, that the Convention shall not apply to the External Territories of Australia, apart from Norfolk Island."

Egito Artigos Declarações

The Signature of the Arab Republic of Egypt to this Convention does not signify in any manner the recognition of Israel and does not lead to the entry of any relations what so ever with it.

Países Baixos Artigos Declarações Reservas

The Kingdom of the Netherlands reserves the right provided for in Article 15, paragraph 2, of the Convention not to apply Chapter II of the Convention to a marriage celebrated before the date on which the Convention enters into force for the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

On the occasion of the deposit today of the instrument of acceptance by the Kingdom of the Netherlands of the Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages, done at The Hague on 14 March 1978, I have the honour to declare, pursuant to Article 23 of the Convention, that the authorities which under its law are competent to issue a marriage certificate as mentioned in Article 10 of the Convention are:

– in the case of the Kingdom in Europe: the Registrars of Births, Deaths and Marriages (ambtenaren van de burgelijke stand) and the heads of consular posts who are authorized to draw up documents relating to the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages.