
Artigos: 13,17,22,23

In accordance with Article 23 of the Convention, the Government of Norway declares:

The Government Adoption Office is the competent authority to make certifications referred to in Article 23, paragraph 1, when the adoption has taken place in Norway or when a foreign adoption order has been converted in Norway according to Article 27.

In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 4, of the Convention, the Government of Norway declares:

Adoption of children habitually resident in Norway may only take place if the functions of the Central Authorities are performed by public authorities or bodies accredited under Chapter III of the Convention.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Convention, the Government of Norway declares:

The Government Adoption Office is the Central Authority referred to in Article 6, paragraph 1, and shall discharge the duties imposed by the Convention upon such authorities, unless functions are performed by public authorities or by accredited bodies by delegation pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 1.

Declarations under Articles 22, paragraph 1, and 17(c) received by the Permanent Bureau on 11 November 2004 (updated on 13 September 2017):

"Subordinate to the Directorate there are five regional offices, which have been delegated some procedural functions under Article 22, paragraph 1. In the vast majority of cases prospective adoptive parents shall now apply to the competent regional office, which grants the prior consent to adopt a child resident in another State. The Directorate is appellate instance. If an adoption exceptionally is going to take place outside an accredited adoption organization, the Regional Office for Children, Youth and Family Affairs, Eastern Norway shall grant the prior consent in the first instance. The Directorate (Central Authority) is then appellate instance.


In the large majority of cases the Article 17, sub-paragraph c function is performed by the accredited adoption organization according to delegation under Article 22 paragraph 1. In the rare cases where intercountry adoptions are arranged outside an accredited organization, the function is performed by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs itself. In cases concerning older children (children over 5 years of age), groups of siblings or children with special needs, the decision provided by sub-paragraphc is made by "Faglig utvalg for adopsjonssaker" (Professional Board for Adoption). This board is an independent Government body authorized inter alia to perform the Article 17, sub-paragraph c function in cases concerning children mentioned above. The Professional Board for Adoption is composed of a medical doctor (general practitioner), a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist, appointed by the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs for a period of two years."