Artigos: 8,10,15
(Click here for the Central Authority designated by Greece and other practical information)
Text of the declarations:
The judges of the Hellenic Republic may give judgment if all the conditions in Article 15, paragraph 2, letters (a), (b) and (c), of the Convention are fulfilled even if no certificate of service or delivery has been received.
Greece declares that formal service will be effected only if the document to be served is written in, or translated into, Greek.
Greece is opposed to the method of service provided in Article 8, unless the document to be served is addressed to a citizen of the requesting State.
Greece is opposed to the method of services provided in Article 10.
Declaration of 24 July 2009
With respect to the declaration made by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia relating to Article 5 of the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra Judicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters of 1965, which was attached to its instrument of accession, Greece declares that all documents exchanged between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia pursuant to this Convention shall continue to be written in or translated into the French language following the practice established in accordance with the 1959 Convention between Greece and the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia concerning Mutual Legal Relations, which remains in force between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia by virtue of article 12 of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995. Furthermore, the provisions of the Memorandum on "Practical Measures" related to the above Interim Accord concerning the official correspondence between the two countries shall continue to apply between them. Subject to this condition, Greece will not exercise its right to object to the accession by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the 1965 Convention.