Artigos: 22,25,45
1. (...)
2. (...)
3. Pursuant to Article 22.4 of the Convention, Australia declares that children habitually resident in all territorial units of Australia may be adopted only by persons resident in the countries where the functions of the Central Authority are performed by public authorities or bodies accredited pursuant to Chapter III of the Convention.
4. Pursuant to Article 25 of the Convention, Australia declares that it will not be bound to recognise adoptions made in accordance with an agreement concluded in accordance with Article 39, paragraph 2.
5. Pursuant to Article 45, Australia declares that the Convention shall extend to all the territorial units of Australia.
6. Australia further declares that, while Australia accepts the obligations imposed by the Convention in its application to refugee children and children who are internationally displaced as a result of disturbances occurring in their country of origin, Australia does not accept that it is bound by the Recommendation in respect of refugee children made in October 1994 by the Special Commission on Implementation of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in respect of Intercountry Adoption.