
Artigos: 23,26,29,34,52,54,60

1 April 2003
Articles 23, 26 and 52 of the Convention allow Contracting Parties a degree of flexibility in order to apply a simple and rapid regime for the recognition and enforcement of judgments. The Community rules provide for a system of recognition and enforcement which is at least as favourable as the rules laid down in the Convention. Accordingly, a judgment given in a Court of a Member State of the European Union, in respect of a matter relating to the Convention, shall be recognised and enforced in Denmark by application of the relevant internal rules of Community law.

30 June 2011
In accordance with Article 34, paragraph 2, the Kingdom of Denmark declares that requests under Article 34, paragraph 1, shall be communicated to its authorities only through its Central Authority.
In accordance with Article 60, paragraph 1, the Kingdom of Denmark declares that it objects to the use of French as provided for in Article 54, paragraph 2.
The Convention shall not apply to Greenland [see declaration below] and the Faroe Islands.

22 April 2016
The Convention should now be applied to Greenland wherefore the Kingdom of Denmark withdraws its territorial declaration with regard to Greenland in accordance with Article 60, paragraph 2.

15 July 2016
With reference to Articles 29 and 44 of the 1996 Hague Convention […] the Central Authority in relation to Greenland is the Danish Central Authority under the conventions - the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior.