Convenção sobre os Aspectos Civis do Rapto Internacional de Crianças
Adesão aceite por / entrada em vigor entre Malta and | Data da aceitação | Entrada em vigor |
África do Sul | 9-II-2016 | 1-V-2016 |
Albânia | 1-I-2010 | |
Alemanha | 23-VIII-2002 | 1-XI-2002 |
Andorra | 1-IX-2016 | |
Argentina | 5-I-2000 | 1-IV-2000 |
Arménia | 1-I-2010 | |
Austrália | 8-II-2001 | 1-V-2001 |
Áustria | 14-XII-2001 | 1-III-2002 |
Bahamas | 25-V-2005 | 1-VIII-2005 |
Belarus | 16-II-2001 | 1-V-2001 |
Bélgica | 21-II-2003 | 1-V-2003 |
Belize | 30-VIII-2005 | 1-XI-2005 |
Bolívia (Estado Plurinacional da) | 1-IV-2023 | |
Brasil | 4-II-2004 | 1-V-2004 |
Bulgária | 1-I-2010 | |
Canadá | 29-VIII-2003 | 1-XI-2003 |
Cazaquistão | 1-XI-2019 | |
Chile | 17-I-2000 | 1-IV-2000 |
China | 26-VI-2003 | 1-IX-2003 |
China | 21-VII-2005 | 1-X-2005 |
Chipre | 22-I-2004 | 1-IV-2004 |
Colômbia | 29-VI-2000 | 1-IX-2000 |
Croácia | 24-XI-2004 | 1-II-2005 |
Dinamarca | 18-VIII-2010 | 1-XI-2010 |
El Salvador | 1-I-2010 | |
Equador | 1-II-2018 | 1-V-2018 |
Eslováquia | 7-XI-2000 | 1-II-2001 |
Eslovénia | 9-VII-2004 | 1-X-2004 |
Espanha | 6-II-2001 | 1-V-2001 |
Estados Unidos da América | 15-XI-2002 | 1-II-2003 |
Estónia | 1-IX-2004 | |
Federação Russa | 1-IX-2016 | |
Filipinas | 1-V-2024 | |
Finlândia | 21-VI-2000 | 1-IX-2000 |
França | 16-XII-2004 | 1-III-2005 |
Gabão | 1-VI-2012 | |
Geórgia | 22-IX-2008 | 1-XII-2008 |
Grécia | 13-IV-2004 | 1-VII-2004 |
Guatemala | 1-X-2010 | |
Honduras | 16-XI-2006 | 1-II-2007 |
Hungria | 11-III-2002 | 1-VI-2002 |
Irlanda | 27-X-2000 | 1-I-2001 |
Islândia | 22-I-2010 | 1-IV-2010 |
Israel | 17-I-2000 | 1-IV-2000 |
Itália | 7-V-2004 | 1-VIII-2004 |
Jamaica | 1-IV-2023 | |
Japão | 24-I-2014 | 1-IV-2014 |
Letónia | 1-IX-2004 | |
Lituânia | 1-IX-2004 | |
Luxemburgo | 10-I-2000 | 1-IV-2000 |
Marrocos | 1-VI-2012 | |
México | 8-II-2007 | 1-V-2007 |
Mónaco | 10-IV-2007 | 1-VII-2007 |
Nicarágua | 1-I-2010 | |
Noruega | 31-I-2002 | 1-IV-2002 |
Nova Zelândia | 1-X-2002 | 1-I-2003 |
Países Baixos | 8-I-2002 | 1-IV-2002 |
Panamá | 2-XI-2006 | 1-II-2007 |
Peru | 1-I-2010 | |
Polónia | 10-III-2000 | 1-VI-2000 |
Portugal | 12-X-2001 | 1-I-2002 |
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte | 19-XII-2001 | 1-III-2002 |
República Checa | 18-VIII-2004 | 1-XI-2004 |
República da Coreia | 1-XI-2019 | |
República da Moldávia | 1-VI-2001 | 1-IX-2001 |
República Dominicana | 1-I-2010 | |
Roménia | 12-III-2013 | 1-VI-2013 |
San Marino | 1-I-2010 | |
Seicheles | 1-I-2010 | |
Sérvia | 19-VIII-2003 | 1-XI-2003 |
Singapura | 1-VI-2012 | |
Sri Lanka | 1-I-2010 | |
Suécia | 26-V-2004 | 1-VIII-2004 |
Suíça | 15-XI-2000 | 1-II-2001 |
Tailândia | 1-I-2010 | |
Trinidad e Tobago | 1-I-2010 | |
Tunísia | 1-V-2024 | |
Türkiye | 26-III-2004 | 1-VI-2004 |
Ucrânia | 1-I-2010 | |
Uruguai | 1-I-2010 | |
Uzbequistão | 26-III-2002 | 1-VI-2002 |
Venezuela (República Bolivariana da) | 16-XI-2004 | 1-II-2005 |
(Malta accepted the accession of Albania on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Andorra on 27 June 2016)
(Malta accepted the accession of Armenia on 22 October 2009)
Bolívia (Estado Plurinacional da)
(Malta accepted the accession of Bolivia on 17 January 2023)
(Malta accepted the accession of Bulgaria on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 28 August 2019)
(acceptance in 2003 for the Special Administrative Region of Macao only)
(acceptance in 2005 for the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong only)
El Salvador
(Malta accepted the accession of El Salvador on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted Estonia's accession on 23 June 2004)
Federação Russa
(Malta accepted the accession of the Russian Federation on 27 June 2016)
(Malta accepted the accession of the Philippines on 26 February 2024)
(Malta accepted the accession of Gabon on 26 March 2012)
(Malta accepted the accession of Guatemala on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Jamaica on 17 January 2023)
(Malta accepted Latvia's accession on 23 June 2004)
(Malta accepted Lithuania's accession on 23 June 2004)
(Malta accepted the accession of Morocco on 26 March 2012)
(Malta accepted the accession of Nicaragua on 22 October 2009)
Países Baixos
(for the Kingdom in Europe)
(Malta accepted the accession of Peru on 22 October 2009)
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
(acceptance also for Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands, the Isle of Man and Montserrat)
República da Coreia
(Malta accepted the accession of the Republic of Korea on 28 August 2019)
República Dominicana
(Malta accepted the accession of the Dominican Republic on 22 October 2009)
San Marino
(Malta accepted the accession of San Marino on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Seychelles on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Singapore on 26 March 2012)
Sri Lanka
(Malta accepted the accession of Sri Lanka on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Thailand on 22 October 2009)
Trinidad e Tobago
(Malta accepted the accession of Trinidad and Tobago on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Tunisia on 26 February 2024)
(Malta accepted the accession of Ukraine on 22 October 2009)
(Malta accepted the accession of Uruguay on 22 October 2009)