
Artículos: 22,23,25

1. Declaration pursuant to Article 22 of the Convention
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of the Italian Republic declares that the functions of the Central Authority under Articles 15 to 21 may also be performed, to the extent permitted by law and subject to supervision by the Italian Central Authority, by institutions or organisations which meet the conditions set out in Article 22(2)(a) and (b) of the Convention, in accordance with Article 39 ter of law No 184 governing adoption of 4.05.1983, as amended by law No 476 of 31.12.1998.

2. Declaration pursuant to Article 23 of the Convention
In accordance with Article 23, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Government of the Italian Republic notifies the depositary that the "Commission pour les adoptions internationales" (established by the "Présidence du Conseil des Ministres" pursuant to Articles 38 and 39 of law No 184 of 4.05.1983 as amended by law No 476 of 31.12.1998), in its capacity as the Italian Central Authority, is the sole authority competent to certify that an adoption has been made in accordance with the Convention.
In accordance with Article 39 of law No 184 of 1983 (as amended) the National Board has the following functions in addition to certifying that an adoption has been made in accordance with the Convention:

a) co-operating with Central Authorities for intercountry adoptions in other countries, and gathering information required for implementing international conventions on adoption;
b) proposing bilateral agreements on intercountry adoptions;
c) authorising the activities of institutions operating under Articles 15 to 21 of the Convention and maintaining the register of these institutions; monitoring their work, evaluating it at least once every three years, and revoking their authorisation in case of serious errors, shortcomings or breaches of law No 184 of 1983. These same functions are carried out by the National Board with regard to the activities of the intercountry adoption services as set out in Article 39 bis of law No 184 of 1983;
d) ensuring the even dispersal of authorised institutions around the national territory and of relevant representations abroad;
e) holding all documents and information regarding intercountry adoption procedures;
f) promoting co-operation between organisations dealing with intercountry adoption and child protection;
g) encouraging training initiatives for persons working or wishing to work in the adoption field;
h) authorising the entry and permanent residence of foreign minors who have been adopted or are awaiting adoption;
i) co-operating with other organisations than those referred to in a) above, for information and training activities.

3. Declaration pursuant to Article 25 of the Convention In accordance with Article 25 of the Convention, the Government of the Italian Republic declares that the Convention obliges it to recognise adoptions made in accordance with an agreement concluded between a Contracting State and one or more other Contracting States by application of Article 39, paragraph 2, of the Convention, provided this obligation is reciprocal.