Fifth meeting of the Experts’ Group on Family Agreements

On 14 and 15 September 2021, the Experts’ Group on Family Agreements met for the fifth time. The meeting was held via videoconference and was attended by 25 members representing 23 Member States and one Regional Economic Integration Organisation, as well as members of the Permanent Bureau of the HCCH.
The Experts’ Group was convened to discuss the most recent revision of the draft Practical Guide on cross-border recognition and enforcement of agreements reached in the course of family matters involving children. Among other topics, the Experts’ Group focused its discussion on the scope and target audience of the Practical Guide; the significance of habitual residence as a connecting factor within the HCCH Child Protection Conventions; and the right of the child to be heard in the context of arriving at a family agreement.
Based on the recommendations of the members of the Experts’ Group, the draft Practical Guide will be revised accordingly, with the goal of preparing a final draft for consideration at the Council on General Affairs and Policy in 2022.