Portugal - Zentrale Behörde (Art. 29)

Direção-Geral da Administração da Justiça - Ministério da Justiça
(Directorate ­General for the Administration of Justice - Ministry of Justice)
Autoridade Central Portuguesa
Avenida D. João II
n.º 1.08.01, Edifício H
1990-097 Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 790 65 00
Fax: +351 21 154 51 16
E-mail:  [email protected]
Internet: http://dgaj.justica.gov.pt/

Personnes à contacter / persons to contact:

  • Mrs. Elisabete MARTINS
    Phone: +351 21 790 6225
    Languages of communication: English, French, Portuguese

  • Mr. Miguel V ARA
    Phone: +351 21 790 6421
    Languages of communication: English, Portuguese, Spanish

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