Deutschland - zuständige Behörde (Art. 11)
"1. Als Behörden, die auf Grund des Übereinkommens Massnahmen getroffen und diese dem Heimat- beziehungsweise Aufenthaltsstaat des Jugendlichen mitzuteilen haben, kommen im deutschen Vertragsgebiet in Betracht:
a) das Vormundschaftsgericht, Familiengericht oder das Jugendamt, bei dem ein Verfahren nach dem Übereinkommen anhängig ist;b) wenn der Jugendliche seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthaltsstaat gewechselt hat, das Vormundschaftsgericht, Familiengericht oder das Jugendamt, bei dem zur Zeit des Aufenthaltswechsels ein Verfahren nach dem Übereinkommen anhängig war.
2. Folgende Behörden im deutschen Vertragsgebiet sind zuständig, Mitteilungen über Massnahmen entgegenzunehmen, die auf Grund des Übereinkommens in einem anderen Vertragsstaat getroffen worden sind:
a) das Vormundschaftsgericht, Familiengericht oder das Jugendamt, bei dem ein Verfahren nach dem Übereinkommen anhängig ist;b) wenn der Jugendliche seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthaltsstaat gewechselt hat, das Vormundschaftsgericht, Familiengericht oder das Jugendamt, bei dem zur Zeit des Aufenthaltswechsels ein Verfahren nach dem Übereinkommen anhängig war;
c) wenn im deutschen Vertragsgebiet kein Verfahren anhängig ist, das Jugendamt, in dessen Bezirk der Jugendliche seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt hat;
d) wenn im deutschen Vertragsgebiet ein Verfahren nicht anhängig ist und der Jugendliche im deutschen Vertragsgebiet auch nicht seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt hat, das Landesjugendamt Berlin.
Die Mitteilungen können unmittelbar gegeben und empfangen werden." (modified on 16 October 1984)
1. Authorities which have taken measures by virtue of the provisions of the Convention and which shall inform the authorities of the State of the infant's nationality of them and, where appropriate, those of the State of his habitual residence:
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change of State.
2. The following authorities in the territory of Germany to which the Convention applies are competent to receive information of measures taken by virtue of the provisions of the Convention in other Contracting States:
a) the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Vormundschaftsgericht" (Guardianship Court), "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change;
c) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in the district in which the infant has his habitual residence;
d) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, and the infant does not have his habitual residence in that territory, the "Landesjugendamt" (central child care department) of Berlin.
The information may be given and received directly.
Modification 23 November 2010:
1. Authorities which have taken measures by virtue of the provisions of the Convention and which shall inform the authorities of the State of the infant's nationality of them and, where appropriate, those of the State of his habitual residence:
a) the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change of State.
2. The following authorities in the territory of Germany to which the Convention applies are competent to receive information of measures taken by virtue of the provisions of the Convention in other Contracting States:
a) the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention are pending;
b) if the infant has changed his State of habitual residence, the "Familiengericht" (Family Court) or the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in which proceedings under the provisions of the Convention were pending at the time of the change;
c) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, the "Jugendamt" (local authority child care department) in the district in which the infant has his habitual residence;
d) if no proceedings are pending in the territory of Germany to which this Convention applies, and the infant does not have his habitual residence in that territory, the "Landesjugendamt" (central child care department) of Berlin.
The information may be given and received directly.
(This page was last updated on 13 December 2010)
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