Norwegen - Zentrale Behörde und praktische Information

Central Authority:

Norwegian Civil Affairs Authorities

Contact details:


Regular Postal address:
The Norwegian Civil Affairs Authorities
(Statens sivilrettsforvaltning)
Address: P.O Box 2105 Vika
0125 OSLO

Delivery address (for documents sent by courier):
The Norwegian Civil Affairs Authorities
Holbergs gate 1
0166 OSLO

Telephone: +47 22 99 13 25
Fax: -
E-mail: [email protected]
General website:
Contact person:  
Languages spoken by staff: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English


Practical Information:

Forwarding authorities
(Art. 3(1)):
The courts (including the conciliation boards) and certain administrative authorities such as the County Governors and the Labour and Welfare Administration.
Methods of service
(Art. 5(1)(2)):

The Central Authority forwards the document to the competent District or City Court instructing the Court to effect service. The Court will sometimes effect service itself, but very often this task is carried out by a process server.

In general, a process server is used. If the documents are written in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish or accompanied by a translation into one of these languages and if it does not include a date set for hearing in the near future, the documents may be served by post.

Translation requirements
(Art. 5(3)):

Under the regulations adopted by Royal Decree on 12 September 1969, requests for service will only be complied with when the document to be served is written in Norwegian, Danish or Swedish, or if the request is accompanied by a translation into one of these languages, unless the document is meant to be delivered only to an addressee who accepts it voluntarily. However, the the Competent Authority may also in other cases permit the service of documents if it is convinced that the addressee understands the language used in the document.

Norway has not entered into any agreement with respect to article 20(b).

Costs relating to execution of the request for service
(Art. 12):
No costs
Time for execution of request: The average time from receipt at the Central Authority to execution of the request varies between 3-5 months.
Judicial officers, officials or other competent persons
(Art. 10(b))
Oppositions and declarations
(Art. 21(2)):
Click here to read all the declarations made by this State under the Service Convention.
Art. 8(2): Opposition
Art. 10(a): Opposition
Art. 10(b): Opposition
Art. 10(c): Opposition
Art. 15(2): Declaration of applicability
Art. 16(3): Declaration of applicability
Derogatory channels (bilateral or multilateral agreements or internal law permitting other transmission channels)
(Arts. 11, 19, 24 and 25)
Information may not be complete or fully updated – please contact the relevant authorities to verify this information.

Supplementary agreements to the Hague Convention of 17 July 1905 and/or of 1 March 1954 were concluded with: AustriaGermany (Berlin, 2 August 1909); Luxembourg (1 June 1910 – Articles 1 and 2).

A multilateral convention on judicial co-operation was concluded between: DenmarkFinlandIcelandNorway and Sweden on 26 April 1974.

Lugano Convention of 16 September 1988.

Bilateral convention on judicial co-operation: Austria (21 May 1984); Germany (17 June 1977); United Kingdom (London, 31 January 1931 - Articles 2 to 5).

Useful links: Ministry of Justice and the Police and Rettsanmodninger i sivile saker – lister over sentralmyndigheter (in Norwegian only)
Competent authorities
(Arts 6, 9)
Art. 6: See here.
Art. 9: See here.
Other authorities
(Art. 18)

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