Venezuela (Bolivarische Republik)

Übereinkommen vom 18. März 1970 über die Beweisaufnahme im Ausland in Zivil- oder Handelssachen

Beitritt angenommen von / Inkrafttreten zwischen Venezuela (Bolivarische Republik) und Annahmedatum Inkrafttreten
Albanien 1-I-2024
Andorra 1-I-2024
Argentinien 23-VII-1997 21-IX-1997
Armenien 1-I-2024
Australien 21-XI-1995 20-I-1996
Belarus 1-I-2024
Bosnien und Herzegowina 1-I-2024
Brasilien 1-I-2024
Bulgarien 1-I-2024
China 1-I-2024
Costa Rica 1-I-2024
Dänemark 28-IX-1994 27-XI-1994
Deutschland 22-VIII-1994 21-X-1994
Estland 1-I-2024
Finnland 10-I-1995 11-III-1995
Frankreich 18-III-1994 17-V-1994
Georgien 1-I-2024
Griechenland 29-IX-2005 28-XI-2005
Indien 1-I-2024
Island 1-I-2024
Israel 19-I-1996 19-III-1996
Italien 17-XI-1995 16-I-1996
Kasachstan 1-I-2024
Kolumbien 1-I-2024
Kroatien 1-I-2024
Kuwait 1-I-2024
Lettland 1-I-2024
Liechtenstein 1-I-2024
Litauen 1-I-2024
Luxemburg 21-I-1994 22-III-1994
Malta 1-I-2024
Marokko 1-I-2024
Mexiko 27-V-1997 26-VII-1997
Monaco 5-I-2009 6-III-2009
Montenegro 1-I-2024
Nicaragua 1-I-2024
Niederlande 19-IV-1994 18-VI-1994
Nordmazedonien 1-I-2024
Norwegen 29-III-1994 28-V-1994
Polen 1-I-2024
Portugal 11-IV-2001 8-VI-2001
Republik Korea 1-I-2024
Rumänien 1-I-2024
Russische Föderation 1-I-2024
Schweden 5-VII-1994 3-IX-1994
Schweiz 12-V-1998 11-VII-1998
Serbien 1-I-2024
Seychellen 1-I-2024
Singapur 8-XII-1998 6-II-1999
Slowakei 21-III-1996 20-V-1996
Slowenien 1-I-2024
Spanien 8-XII-1994 6-II-1995
Sri Lanka 1-I-2024
Südafrika 1-I-2024
Tschechische Republik 14-XI-1997 13-I-1998
Türkiye 15-I-2010 16-III-2010
Ukraine 1-I-2024
Ungarn 1-I-2024
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland 16-VI-1994 15-VIII-1994
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 25-VIII-1995 24-X-1995
Vietnam 1-I-2024
Zypern 28-II-1994 29-IV-1994


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Albania on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Andorra on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Armenia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Belarus on 2 November 2023)

Bosnien und Herzegowina

(Venezuela accepted the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Brazil on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Bulgaria on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of China on 2 November 2023)

Costa Rica

(Venezuela accepted the accession of Costa Rica on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Estonia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Georgia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of India on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Iceland on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Colombia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Croatia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Kuwait on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Latvia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Liechtenstein on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Lithuania on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Malta on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Morocco on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Montenegro on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Nicaragua on 2 November 2023)


(for the Kingdom in Europe and Aruba)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of North Macedonia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Poland on 2 November 2023)

Republik Korea

(Venezuela accepted the accession of the Republic of Korea on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Romania on 2 November 2023)

Russische Föderation

(Venezuela accepted the accession of the Russian Federation on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Serbia on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of the Seychelles on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Slovenia on 2 November 2023)

Sri Lanka

(Venezuela accepted the accession of Sri Lanka on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of South Africa on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Ukraine on 2 November 2023)


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Hungary on 2 November 2023)

Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland

By a Note dated 9 February 1995 and received on 21 February 1995, the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands that the acceptance of Venezuela's accession to the Convention, set out in the Embassy's Note of 14 June 1994, was also in respect of the territories for the international relations of which the United Kingdom is responsible and to which the application of the Convention has been extended.


(Venezuela accepted the accession of Viet Nam on 2 November 2023)