Portugal - organismos estrangeiros credenciados (Art. 12)

Foreign accredited bodies authorised in accordance with Article 12 to act in Portugal:

AGAPE – Onlus
Ente per le Adozioni Internazionali
Mrs.  Dra. Silvana Valentino
Via Vecchia Ognina n 142/b-
E-mail: [email protected] 

Het Kleine Mirakel vzw
Coördinatoren: Annemie Paeshuyse
vanaf 14/02/2022 : Vijverstraat 6 bus 101,
2400 Mol
T +32 (0)14 61 64 36
Gsm +32 (0) 471 033 209
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.hetkleinemirakel.be 

Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting
Leeuweringerstraat 57 - 59
3421 AB Oudewater
T+31 (0)348 – 567 698
E-mail: [email protected] 

Agence Française de L’Adoption –AFA
Agence Française de l’Adoption
63 bis, Boulevard Bessières 75017 Paris

Children’s House International
506 Grover St. #115
(FedEx, UPS, DHL delivery ONLY)
PO BOX 447 (USPS mailing address)
Lynden, WA 98264
United States of America
Tel: 360 380-5370
fax: 360 383-0640
E-mail: [email protected]

Nightlight Christian Adoptions
(502) 423-5780
[email protected]

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