6th International Forum on the electronic Apostille Pilot Program (e-APP)

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6th International Forum
on the electronic Apostille Pilot Program (e-APP)
The Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private Internatinal Law are pleased to announce the holding of the 6th International Forum on the electronic Apostille Pilot Program (e-APP). The Forum will take place on
Tuesday 29 & Wednesday 30 June 2010, in Madrid, at the IFEMA (Feria de Madrid).
The Forum is a part of the official Spanish Presidency activities and has been made possible with funding from the European Commission. The Spanish Presidency and the Hague Conference are very grateful for the support from the European Commission.
The one day and a half programme of the Forum will be two-fold:
It will focus on both e-Registers (day one) and e-Apostilles (day two). The programme will include in particular:
an introduction to the e-APP
a presentation on the future central e-Register of Apostilles for Spain (development, implementation and envisaged operation)
presentations on the experiences with the implementation and operation of existing e-Registers of Apostilles in- and outside Europe (with live examples)
roundtable on best practices in the implementation of e-Registers of Apostilles
presentations on the experiences with the implementation and issuance of e-Apostilles in- and outside Europe (with live examples)
presentations dealing with specific e-Apostille implementation issues such as the electronic format of an Apostille (PDF or other?) and the recognition of e-Apostilles abroad.
There will be Q&A sessions on both days so as to allow for an interactive dialogue among participants. The Forum will also feature the launch of the new e-APP for Europe project which has been made possible through a substantial financial grant from the European Commission (as a result of a grant application submitted by the Permanent Bureau with Spain as partner and the Czech Republic, Finland and France as associate partners).
An updated version of the programme will be made available on the Apostille Section of the Hague Conference website at https://www.hcch.net/.
The Forum is open to any interested State and is targeted to government officials, Competent Authorities issuing Apostilles, IT experts, judges, practitioners and scholars.
Accommodation and travel arrangements are at the expense of each participant. Please note that hotel details will be made available soon. We would be grateful if you could register by filling in the application form [please click here] and send it to the following address: [email protected]. There is no registration fee.
Register quickly as places are limited! You will receive an email confirming your registration.
We look forward to seeing you in Madrid!