Irlanda - autoridad competente (art. 23)
Pursuant to Article 23, Paragraph 2 of the Convention, Ireland hereby notifies the following as the authority competent to certify adoptions as having been made in accordance with the Convention:
Údarás Uchtála na hÉireann (Adoption Authority of Ireland)
Shelbourne House
Shelbourne Road
The functions of the Authority with respect to intercountry adoption are as set out in Section 96 of the Adoption Act 2010 as follows:
96.— (1) Without prejudice to the functions assigned to the Authority under this Act or any other enactment, the functions of the Authority include the following:
(a) on and after the establishment day, performing the functions in relation to adoptions that before that day were performed by An Bord Uchtála;
(b) as specified in section 66 , performing in the State the role of a Central Authority under the Hague Convention;
(c) at the request of the Minister [currently the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth], providing general advice to him or her about adoption matters;
(d) undertaking or assisting in research projects and activities relating to adoption services;
(e) compiling statistical information and other records as to the proper planning, development and provision of those adoption services;
(f) maintaining the register of accredited bodies;
(g) maintaining the register of intercountry adoptions;
(h) maintaining the register of gender recognition of intercountry adoptions and the index referred to in section 91A(3).
(2) The Authority has all the powers as are necessary or expedient for the performance by it of its functions.
(3) The Authority may make such enquiries as it considers necessary for the performance of its functions.
(4) The Authority shall endeavour to ensure that its adoption enquiries under this Act and adoption hearings before the Authority are conducted in a non-adversarial manner.
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